1. Awakening

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I am so tired.

Leave me alone, I groan to the hand that yanks my head back, I'm so tired.

"Wake up! Don't pass out on me again, kid!" The man said as he lifted my eyelid open, "He looks like he's not faking it."

I felt my eyelid falling back into place as soon as he let go of it, but the man was still trying to keep me awake. He rolled up my sleeve and adjusted my arm into an odd position. I somehow forced my eyes to open as much as they could in the bright room. In between my eyelashes, I made out the shape of the man in front of me.

He had a rich caramel tone to his skin, with black eyes and shaggy raven hair down to the start of his strong jawline, along with a rather scruffy face and dark circles under his eyes. But my eyes were far too heavy to keep open despite my curiosity, the weight eventually causing them to close fully once more.

"Surge, I need the injection now," the man called out with hushed urgency, "Seems like we need a tiny bit more."

A shuffle of footsteps were heard and my arm was being tightened around my left bicep. I tried to speak out and ask what they were doing to me but stayed helplessly still. I felt a rush of a second life being pumped into my system as my eyes popped open, the liquid in my veins felt like pure venom as it burned its way into my bloodstream. I gasped out for more air as I finally was able to make out two guys in front of me.

I tried to stand up but found myself tied down into the chair, the ropes cutting into my bruised skin. I took note of how thin and raw my skin looked—I was wasting away.

How long have I been out for?

"Calm down!" the man said again. He tried to steady me but was cut off-guard as I spit at his chest.

"Let me go!" I yelled out in a hoarse tone.

"I was considering it until you spit on my new robe," the man wiped the front of his outfit in a mix of disgust and slight annoyance.

"I'll scream," I said in the best threatening tone I could conjure at the moment.

The man in front of me stood tall and let out a rich laugh, "I don't think you'd want to do that... we're here for your arrest and we have orders to bring you back dead or alive— and please, don't make me go with that first option."

There's no way he's serious.

"Arrest?" I said behind clenched teeth, tugging gently at the bonds around my wrists and ankles.

The man opened up his robes slightly and began to pull out several wanted posters with a picture of a boy from a distance. All the photos showed the same kid but with different lengths of hair and new bruises on his face. I looked up at the man and exhaled roughly.

"Is this some sort of joke?" I asked in confusion. "Who is that?"

"Surge, run a search on him, please. He may play dumb, but now that he's awake we can finally make some progress," the man placed the photos back in his pocket and walked away towards the kitchen. He had completely ignored me, "And where's that whiskey I asked for?"

A new guy stepped forward and crouched in front of me. His face was scarred on his left eyebrow and one on his chin, his eyes an ordinary shade of brown. Both his ears were pierced with odd earrings that looked as if he forced a giant stone through his tiny earlobes. He couldn't be much older than me, there's no way they could be with the police. Not to mention that this new guy had the brightest blue hair I've ever seen—I highly doubt that they'd let you have hair like that for the job.

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