15. I Was Never One For Surprises...

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"What do you mean you can't do anything?" Surge strained his voice to keep his temper cool as we were fed another excuse. "He's your brother, isn't he? Get him off our backs, he's going to get us killed if you don't intervene!"

Surge paused for a moment as he pressed the phone tightly against his ear.

"We're in a local regular town," Surge answered back into the phone quickly, "Yeah, chief. I understand," Surge slumped over for what seemed the fifth time during this conversation as he tried everything he could to get Rotem to help. Apparently, the man was 'far too deep in his own issues to help' since something conveniently 'popped up'.

Surge hung up the phone and thanked the owner of the store as we went out the front to sit out on the curb.

"What did he say?" I asked despite knowing the answer when he eventually strolled back up to me.

"What do you think? Something popped up and he can't come just yet. Rotem's instructions are to just hold off as distraction for at least a few days," Surge sighed roughly.

"A few days?!" I exclaimed. "We could get found by then!"

"We should be safe here, Dio wouldn't be stupid enough to bring a few of his henchmen over to a place like this," Surge tried to reason.

"How would you know? I'm guessing you've read your future," I stated irritably. Just thinking about another day in that van is making my skin crawl.

"Actually, not many people know this, but it's pretty rare for psychics to read for themselves," Surge huffed out. "I am just as lost as you are in this situation."

"Well, can't you just read my future then?" I asked hopefully.

"I've tried already, still couldn't see anything," Surge said, "I think it's because I'm involved in that part of your life so I'm just as blind reading yours. It's a blank."

"Did you try reading Rotem's future?"

"I can't read a person very well unless they're at least a hundred meters close to me," Surge shook his head, "I'm still in training, I can't expect my powers to fully work the way I want it to just yet."

The level of Surge's morale was obviously low, he dramatically scraped his shoes on the asphalt as they dragged lazily against the ground.

I cleared my throat as I tried to cover up the sound of my growling stomach, "How's about we go back to the van and sleep?"

"No, we need to actually do something to get food and money, don't you think?" Surge walked away at such an alarming speed that I had to run to catch up to him, "Maybe we can hide out here and take from the local shops. Maybe we could offer work in hopes that they'll give us food or water."

"We can't steal at the same spot for too long without getting caught. So, what do you want us to do? Fill out applications at a local food place?" I asked as I scoffed furiously. "You've said yourself that it's a stupid idea."

Surge took this moment to reflect on himself before replying, "We could risk getting caught by officials for stealing and end up with a bigger haul or we can start asking around to do odd jobs for a few ligs like you suggested a while back."

"I'm sorry, did you say ligs?"

"Sorry, the general term is currency. Ligs is a little slang that we use like how some regulars refer to their currency as cash, bucks, moo-lah, dough ... you get the point, right?"

I nodded.

"Glad to see you're keeping up as much as I am at the moment," Surge said, "So what do you think we should do?"

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