25. Ghoti

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I woke up to a darkened area and for a brief moment, I could have sworn I was locked back in a jail cell. Sitting up, I noticed the guy that we had saved was playing with something on the ground with his back to me. His skin was giving off a faint glow which was barely enough to light up much of the room.

On closer inspection, I realized that he was concentrating on building a small standing pile of junk. The pillar collapsed before he tried again to form it and I viewed the area, Surge was not here at all.

I could see the faintest ghost of my breath before huddling my arms close to my body as I grinded my teeth to stop the shiver that ran down my spine.

As I stood up, the young man jolted and swiveled his torso towards me with great flexibility and ease. I felt myself cringing from his fluid movement since it looked so odd and unusual, it was unlike how I've seen any human—or creature, for that matter—turn around. Lowering my eyes down at the creature, he quickly spun his legs out in front of him in order to face me fully.

"You're awake," His voice was undeniably pleasing despite his nervousness, his large, almond eyes showing genuine surprise. His voice was just as remarkable as the first time I heard it. Without all the distractions, I could hear his eerie multi-toned voice in its purest form, his pitch alone making my muscles relax, I was more than willing to listen with great intensity.

"Yeah, just got up," I said softly into the slightly echoing cave.

"I am so thankful that you did such a wonderful thing for a species like mine," The being began to say, his head lifting from its bow, eyes dark and pure black, "I hope I don't come across as rude, though, when I ask for your reason as to why you did it in the first place, if you don't mind. Who sent you?"


Trailing off, I just simply shrugged, my jaw clamping from the freezing temperature. I didn't want to answer him but I felt the words pouring out of my mouth, it was the least I could do, "We just w-wanted to help. I was supposed to help with r-rescuing someone else but she just vanished," I finally stated in between my shivers.

The being paused slightly before asking, "Kid Jones?"

I let out an exasperated sigh, "How is it that everyone knows everyone around here? So, you her pal or something?"

"I was alone in the prison cell with her at the time," he began to say, "But someone came and took her out of her cell, I assumed they were taking her to the hanging."

"Did you know who took her?" I asked.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Yes you do," I stated firmly, "Everyone has a face, and everyone has something that stands out. What stood out? I need clues, anything you say can help out."

He looked shocked at my direct approach before he blinked a few times, "A man came in with a hat. He looked official and seemed to have some access with the police."

I groaned. Pointless to even ask.

"Do you at least know where my friend is?" I questioned impatiently.

"He's out getting supplies... at least that's how he put it," he began to say with a tone of distaste, "To be honest, your friend didn't exactly seem, well, 'friendly'."

"He's not so bad once you get to chatting with him," I added absentmindedly as I stared at the ground, thinking of something, a lead... anything. My eyes quickly glanced at the creature who was steadfast and demanding with his dark stare, "There has to be something that I'm just not getting from this whole thing! I mean, where are we? Who took me here when I blacked out?"

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