20. Are We There Yet?

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With all of us crammed into the car, we took off towards the mysterious invisible town with the goal of making sure we rescue Kid Jones.

"How is that possible?" I asked as I tilted my head as I looked out the window into the empty lands of the desert, "How could a whole town just disappear into thin air like that? I mean, I know it's there but it's not really there, there."

"It has field protectors. Keeps the Regulars out, keeps the citizens in," Surge replied. He looked a little better than yesterday but still showed his exhaustion as he stifled a yawn lazily with the back of his hand.

"And why couldn't we rest in the city?" I asked. "Aren't you two citizens?"

"We all are," Rotem intervened as he waved his hand as usual, "But just because we're citizens doesn't mean we're liked in any particular district. I mean, we all still kind of hate each other the same way. Look at the Regulars—they all hate themselves over their skin color, sexuality, genders, ethnicity, nationality—the list goes on and on, if it's not one issue, then it's something else."

"That doesn't explain why we didn't go to the city ahead of time," I said. "What does that have to do with you guys?"

"What he's trying to say," Surge began to say, "is that we all hate each other to a certain extent because we fear the unknown of others. It easier to outcast than it is to listen to an explanation."

"The unknown?" Rotem scoffed, "You're a freaking psychic! You can see till forever and back on a good day knowing you!"

"Oh, stop it," Surge said as he fanned himself, "You're making me blush, chief."

"Again," I stated again, this time a little more loudly, crossing my arms as I tried to keep my anger from bubbling up, "still not explaining."

"The fact that you're a shape-shifter isn't a good thing, remember?" Surge began to say with a small shrug, "Those areas are heavily monitored by security that can shut you in, get you locked in jail and sent to your own hanging all in the same day. It's just not worth the risk."

"...But we're going either way, even if we're wanted," I said bluntly as I came to a full realization of the situation. The truth sat bitterly on my tongue as I spat the words out, "We're pretty much going on a job to protect someone from dying but we run the risk of dying ourselves. Who thought this was a good idea in the first place?"

"That's our job," Rotem shrugged, "It never pays enough, you barely get any sleep, and you pick up horrible habits along the way... but it's a living. I think my karma needs a bit of balancing out. This should settle it evenly for the time being, don't you think? Besides, someone's got to do it."

Surge interjected, "Plus, we've been meaning to come here for some unfinished business as well."

"Two birds, one stone," I added with a jolty nod.

I felt getting sick to my stomach with worry again. I let my eyes stare blankly outward, my words drifting out without much though or care. After a few minutes of thinking, the nervousness began to bite at my toes again.

"Don't you think that we're too young for this?" I asked in cowardice again.

"You think this is the worst that can happen to a kid?" Rotem said as he stared at me from the rear view mirror. "I've seen way worse, and trust me, you don't want to brag about your issues too loudly to the world."

Surge was unusually hushed at this comment as he continued to gaze out his window.

The clouds hung heavy in the air today, a wicked storm was coming in swiftly. The bare land was long overdue for any kind of moisture. The scenery around us was just as dry and sandy as you would expect, for miles around there was nothing to note with the exception of a lone cactus or dried up bundles of twigs that were supposed to be bushes.

This desert looked to be a place that was never even fully built in America, it was just this endless road with occasional gas stops along the way and, if we were lucky, had a convenience store nearby.

It occurred to me several times that I could get stranded out here in this endless land of sand... but isn't that what I wanted back at the restaurant? I can't even keep my head straight on what I wanted anymore. I can barely tell what's going to happen next and a little guidance was long overdue.

The car ride continued in silence once more as we made our way to the empty space of the desert. Rotem parked on the outside of another vast and empty landscape. Rotem looked behind at me to face Surge a bit better before he began to talk, his body cracking as he shifted in his seat.

"Time to listen to the plan," Rotem said aloud as he pulled out a small map from the glove compartment among the many piles of other maps and overdue parking tickets, "Kid Jones should be held here, from what I've gathered."

He pointed to the creased map, the location his finger landed on an empty space among many of buildings and lines on the map.

"You two need to go in," Rotem quickly pointed at me before moving his fingers against the map with a whistle, "Shape shift into a guard and pretend that you're escorting Kid Jones out at the local jailhouse. Anything Surge tells you to do, you listen closely and follow his lead no matter what. Remember that you two are each other's lifesaver in this vast ocean called life and any disputes can be negotiated well after the mission is done. Understand?"

I nodded curtly, "I'm not sure if I can do it, but I'm willing to try."

Surge gave a thumbs up.

"Good, now let's get in there," Rotem replied as he started to get out of the car, "We only have forty-five minutes before her execution. Get her out of there by any means necessary and meet back here in an hour's time. Best of luck everyone."

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