The day after

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-3rd person-

Ethan slowly opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling for a minute. He looked to his phone and saw he had 28 miss calls from Mark. "Shit.. What day is it?", he asked himself. "Saturday, Ethan.", he replied.

He sat up and rubbed the sleep out his eyes, calling Mark. "Hello there!", Mark chirped happily. "Hey Markimoo... I just woke up, by the way.", Ethan sighed. "What happened last night? I remember... Going to the party, getting drunk then being carried home..", Ethan asked curiously.

"Wanna go out for coffee? I can explain then and it'll be easier. I mean, then I get to see you! Starbucks in 10?", Mark replied smoothly, he hoped it would go well so it could be like a date. "Sure, cya soon Markimoo!"
(Time skip to Starbucks!)

"So. Explain everything, minus getting drunk, the headache would explain that bit of the story.", Ethan sighed. Mark chuckled, "well. Everyone played truth or dare and I was dared to kiss the hottest person in the room.", Mark began. Before he could continue Ethan looked down.

"No. You, dumb nut!", Mark rolled his eyes. "We made out for a bit then went home, that's about it..", he finished.
"Wait, how do you remember if you were drunk?", Ethan asked curiously. He had a feeling Mark wasn't drunk at all. "Oh... I uhm, wasn't exactly drunk. Just slightly intoxicated..", Mark went as red as his hair.

'Shit, he found out... whatever, he'd known eventually. Better sooner than later I guess..', Mark thought to himself.
Ethan giggled at his face. "Your thinking face is adorable, by the way."
"Nothing is as adorable as you though!", Mark smirked as Ethan went red,
"Shut up!", he rolled his eyes,
"Think about this, we just met and we're already on a date.", Ethan smiled as he spoke.

"A date now?"
"I mean, if you want it to be.."
"Of course I do.."
And that's concludes this chapter, sorry it's a bit short. I'm writing this when I was tired. The next update will be better, promise. Anyway, thank you for reading! Leave a vote and comment down below what you suggest next, thank you all for reading, goodbye!

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