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Lørdag 14:35

I looked around for William's car he was supposed to pick me up from the bus stop. "Where is he?" I muttered to myself William you are seriously gonna win the best big brother award. Pulling out my phone I dialed William's number. "Hello?" William answered "You son of a cracker ass you forgot to pick me up!" I groaned out in frustration, "No I told Chris to pick you up don't you remember me telling you that?" wait wtf "Um no you did not tell me ANYTHING about Chris picking me up" I will slit my brother's throat. "Well he should be there right about now goodbye little sister I'll see you when you arrive home" He hung up on me. HE HUNG THE HELL UP ON ME.

"Hey babe" a voice said I looked up to see Chris oh great ha, William wasn't joking and I wasn't joking about killing him or am I? "Why are you here? Where is my brother?" I asked and crossed my arms on my chest. Chris scoffed "Oh please a few days ago you did say you were thinking of me" he smirked well that was true I did admit I was thinking about him "Well you were thinking about me too" I argued back, "Touché Taytum touché" Chris answered. "Now will you drop me home?" I questioned with that he lead me to his car and drove off to William and I's apartment.

"William my dearest such responsible brother that I love quite dearly... YOU HAVE WRITTEN YOUR DEATH SENTENCE" I screamed searching around the apartment to find him in his room. "Shut up please my head is aching" He waved his hand at me motioning me out, "Um no you did not pick me up so why?" I questioned "Hangover and I need 300 Krone because we kinda trashed the cabin." He answered looking over at me and smiled a little, "William you idiot you trashed the cabin?! No money for you" I backed out of his room before he could say anything else, gosh William you and your friend can be real idiots.

Mandag 15:10
"I found him in my room without my permission with some guy name Lito, Eskild thinks he's gay but he thinks every guy he meet's is gay" Noora was rolling around on my bed while I look for clothes I don't use anymore to donate to the refugees. "Noora it's Eskild when we first met he thought I was a lesbian" it's true he thought I was a lesbian. "Do you want this top, it would match you plus I never wore it" I turned to show Noora a white blouse it was quite gorgeous."Sure" Noora answered I handed it to her and left the rest of the clothes I was gonna donate on the floor. "My brother is having a fundraiser since they trashed the cabin" I said turning to look at her, "There will be a hook up auction who ever is willing to pay to hook up with my brother is very stupid" I answered. "Prostitution" Noora said I looked at her and laughed oh Noora. At first Noora said she wouldn't go but I guess my brother blackmailed her into going. Oh will my ship rise.

Fredag 20:15

We looked at the sign my brother had added "and the refugees" I looked at Noora and said "Someone got why they wanted" I danced my way in greeted with music blasting and the adrenaline pumping through my veins "Nooraaa lets go get someth-" I turned to not find Noora but Christoffer "Ah king fuckboy" I said bowing a little "Hi my queen" he said snaking his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him he leaned forward and kissed my neck, "I missed you" he whispered and bit the lobe of my ear which cause me to blush. I wrapped my arms around his waist "I missed you too" was I lying? No I wasn't actually I missed him. Someone cleared their throat which cause Chris to pull away but he left his hands on my waist, Noora was standing with a drunk Eva. "Taytum may we talk and Chris please bring Eva to get wat-" "JONAS" Eva exclaimed pointing in the other direction. Jonas and his girlfriend "Why didn't he introduce me to his girlfriend?" She questioned and hugged the champagne bottle.

"What's wrong?" I questioned Noora she looked over at Mari and William I giggled "Noora Mari is only a friend" I reassured her. "ISAK" a voice screeched we looked to see Eva stumbled her way to Isak "I'll get her" I trudged my way to Eva who was asking Isak to make out with her. "Hey Isak" "Hey Tay" I grabbed Eva who was going on and on about how Isak said no to making out with her and brought her to the bar to drink some water. Vilde and Christoffer were at the bar. Chris was whispering something to Vilde I felt a bit jealous.

"VILDEEE NO ONE WANTS TO MAKE OUT WITH ME" Eva complained "Hi" her face was a little too close to Vilde and before you know it Eva was shoving her tongue down Vilde's throat."OH MY GOD WHY HOW WHY?" I exclaimed what is happening, "What's wrong sweets?" Chris snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer his gripped tighten a bit. "My friends are making out in front of me" I said they were really into it "I can't watch" I turned to face Chris. "Hello beautiful" he showed off his pearly white teeth "H-Hi" I said dumbs you stuttered a bit. "I need to throw up" Eva said. "WHAT HELL NO OUT NOW" Chris exclaimed "Well help us" I told Chris.

It was a little rainy outside Eva threw up over a railing while Vilde held her hair I called Chris and Sana but they didn't answer "Taytum look" Christoffer said "What is it" I turned to see Noora and William kissing I looked at Christoffer then to Vilde"HOLY MOTHER OF NOORHELM" I exclaimed.


Sorry the update is a day late but holy mother of noorhelm am i right? lolo anyways please comment a ship name for Taytum & Christoffer!!!! As always I hope you enjoyed !!! Love you all !


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