It's over

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A/n : OK so before we start, my phone e is being weird and cutting off random parts of my story when I try to read it, could someone let me know if it's doing that for you as well cause I can attempt to fix it if so. Thanks! 💜

"(f/n)!!" my mother calls to me, fear apparent in her shaky voice.

A loud gasp falls over the crowd as I lay motionless on the ice, head pounding, tears evident in my eyes. The cold ice comforting the pain in my body. 'I can't feel my ankle...' I refused to believe that my worst nightmare had just become a reality. ' come on just get up already dammit! Just.. Get through it"

"Could this be how finals end for the legendary (f/n) (l/n)!?"

Placing both hands on the ice I forced myself to sit up and check my ankle, but something odd caught my eye. 'no way! You've gotta be kidding me ' The heel of my right skate had somehow become loose. It was now only attached to the blade and not the shoe. 'How poorly can one make skates! 'I grabbed my ankle to check out the skate,only to be met with an awful sensation.'no please no...please let this be a dream. '

By now another skater entered the rink to help me off the ice. My good friend Sala rushed up to me, concern welling in her eyes as she reached her hand towards me.

"hey, what happened? come on you gotta get up, I know it's... " her voice faded into nothingness as I grasped her hand attempting to stand on my two feet. What just happened?

All at once everything sunk in. I could hear the commentators discussing previous victories of mine only to mention how this fall could cause a huge dent in my career, my heart pounding loudly in my ears, Sala trying to comfort me as we slowly made our way off the rink, and the crowds endless murmurs, all came crashing down on me like a wave.

" in the slow motion footage here, you can see, as she's landing what would've been a beautiful quadruple salchow, her right skate's heel actually detaches itself from the shoe, causing her to twist her ankle upon contact with the ice... "

Cameras were flashing as soon as I stepped out of the rink.

"I have never seen such and unfortunate turn of events like this one!!"

---end flashback---

"(f/n) that was 4 months ago, don't let it damage your career like this, I know it hurt your confidence, but I've seen what you can do. As your coach and your mother I want you to keep going. "she coaxed after seeing her student off for the day.

" not to deplete your pride in me, but I don't think I'll ever skate singles competitively again... You saw what happened mom, I don't ever want to go through that again. "

I loved my mom more than anything in this world. I'd do just about anything for her, but ever since my accident on the ice, I'd reconsidered what I could do with my life. The ice was my favorite place to be, it was my home. The way I could let out my emotions, gliding over the polished rink whenever I wanted.

"It's not like I'm giving up skating for good... I just won't skate competitively anymore.." a rueful smile on my lips as I finished my statement. 'as much as I love it'

I fiddled with my phone checking out a new pair of skates to buy, while waiting for her reply. Letting out a sigh she began to speak, but someone beat her to it.

" oi (f/n), what got into you?" I turned to find Yuri leaning against the railing of the rink. "Haven't seen you practice lately"

"Yuri! I haven't seen you since... Uh never mind" I got up and headed over to him and gave him a quick hug. "Congrats on your gold! I knew you'd win!!" he stiffened up and returned my welcome with a sigh.

I never told him about my accident, I didn't really want him to know so I told everyone to keep it on the down low. Who knows though I mean it's probably huge on the internet. Curse you social media.

"yeah.. What about you what did you place? I couldn't check cause SOMEBODY took my damn phone" he glared at Yaakov who was waiting by the rink.

I sighed in relief, knowing why Yakov did so, and turned to look at the rink. Yuri tried to meet my gaze but I refused to look at him. 'well fudge what do I tell him?!'

My brain went into default mode. "Uh it was fine... " 'yeah great reply (f/n) ' Feeling like an idiot, I walked back over to my seat .

"I'd rather not talk about it.. "

"that bad huh, maybe if... " Yuri had stayed where he was, and sat down to begin lacing up his skates, but I zoned out when he began talking.

I trusted Yuri, I mean I had known him for a while. My mother and his coach are good friends so we'd often see each other on the ice when practicing as little kids. If we were friends? I couldn't tell, but I thought we were.

"hmm? " I turned and looked at him. "sorry zoned out. "

"Maybe if you got your nose out of your damn phone, and practiced more you'd of done better Baka! " his tone irritated now. "Now you gotta wait till next time, way to go dumbass. "

"yeah well I'm kinda not skating competitively anymore so yeah, take that dumbass." I whispered to myself, mocking him in the process.

"Kakiye?! You're the top female in Russia right now! Why the hell are you stopping now! You haven't even made your senior debut! "

'you just had to hear that didn't you'

"What exactly happened at finals that made you want to quit? "

I sighed, putting on my rental skates and headed to the rink.

"Skate with me?"

Recovery  (Yuri Plisetsky x reader) Where stories live. Discover now