Training Begins

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A/n: hello my wonderful people!  Sorry about the delay I've had a super busy summer thus far! Btw That song is just up there cause it's another of my favorites lol anyways it's 2 :54am,  I should be asleep! Till next time^ω^ 💙💜

Yuri's pov

After gathering my belongings I left the building, and stepped out into the cold, yet refreshing night.

"Well..." I placed my hands in my pockets,  and began my walk home. "I'm going to regret this in a few hours... " I sighed, mentally face palming myself in the process.

'Why do i have to be such a damn fool sometimes... '

I kicked a stone that came across my path in an attempt to relieve some if that would help.

'I should've just gone to bed, then none of this would've happened... Then again, I wouldn't have known about any of it if I hadn't come. '

The calming sounds of the peaceful night slowly eased my mind into a state of relaxation, as I once again listened to the sound of snow crunching under my feet.

I sighed recalling the events I had watched on the phone previously. As I recollected, I kept thinking back to how her skate had just snapped' I don't care how "unfortunate" people think that was, someone set her up. '

"but who...?" my voice slicing through the silence of the night.

I reached for the handle of the front door opening it with my keys. "ugh I'm exhausted"

I took my shoes off and headed straight for my room. Not bothering to disrobe myself, I plopped down on my bed, shaking all previous thoughts from my mind. I pulled my covers up and turned on my side allowing sleep to take over.


I forced myself awake after a very short 3 hours of sleep. Checking the alarm clock for the time, I sat on the edge of my bed, doing my best to prepare myself for today's events. 'please be easy stuff today... I'm too tired for this shit to be rigorous'

Slowly,  I ran through my morning routine getting ready for more training. I still couldn't really fathom the fact that both (f/n) and I would be working together from now on. I was so used to relying on myself to get things done, but now I would need to rely on her as well. 'it shouldn't be a problem, she's very capable of doing so, I just don't want any complications because of it. '

I walked into my room again checking the clock once more.

"7:35, perfect timing. "

After putting my shoes on, and warming up, I began my jog to the rink for practice. The crisp morning air helped wake me as I jogged along side cars, and people headed to work. 'I don't think I'll ever get bored of this scenery...'

After reaching said facility, I walked to the front desk only to see (f/n)'s friend.

"They here yet?"  I quizzed, my common expression resting on my features.

"Yeah," she smiled as if nothing had happened "Head on back!" She handed my locker key over and began attending the next in line.

I walked over to the group who I would be seeing very often as of today and sat down putting my skates on.

"Oh good,  Yuri's here! " (f/n)'s mother clasped her hands together. "we'll begin shortly, so be sure to warm up. "

Yakov, Louis and (f/n)'s mother all began discussing what we would start with what moves in the field we would have to learn, and what level we would begin at.

"Yuri... " (f/n)'s voice mumbled.

I looked in her direction so to urge her to get on with her sentence.

"I wanna apologize for not explaining things sooner, I should've told you, but I was just worried that you'd think of me as... "she paused averting her tired gaze, "as a failure...but after what you said last night I realized how stupid keeping it to myself was... So I am sorry. " She looked back up at me giving a half-smile, and then began lacing the rental skates she would be using till her new pair arrived.

"No, it''s fine " a placid edge to my tone. "that fall wasn't your fault... But thank you for apologizing." I stood up heading to the rink, but looked back in the process. (f/n) seemed confused about something, but despite how tired she looked, her expression was rather... Cute.

I laughed lightly, and placed my hands in my pockets, " hurry up loser,  we gotta warm up. I'll tell you what I mean later. " she playfully rolled her eyes and stood up, making her way to the rink.

We both seemed to be on even terms now,  which was good and all, but we were both tired as hell and our coaches could see it.

"well hopefully the two of you stay awake throughout the duration of practice," Yakov began with a small laugh.

"we're going to start off with step sequence work today, and of course getting the two of you used to being on the ice together as a pair. " Louis finished a smile on his lips.

Within the first hour or so, both (f/n) and I knew we had our work cut out for us.

"You guys are doing very well despite the fact you've barely skated together. But what I believe is going to be the hardest for you two,  is unison." Yakov stated as he watched how we did certain moves.

" Yeah,  we kinda figured that out already," (f/n) giggled as she looked at me.

"why are you looking at me?  We both have to work on it.  Keyword both. " a look of playful arrogance on my face.

"Yuri is right in that respect, (f/n). He is rather quick to adapting to this sort of thing to,  so you might have to step it up. "

I smirked in her direction, lifting my chin as if saying ' yeah I won that battle'

"Mom?!  Did you just side with Yuri, and not your own daughter?!" disbelief and laughter filled her voice as she pointed to me.

She then slowly began to glide her way over to me"you better watch it mister,  I'm going to surpass you, and then we'll see whose all high and mighty."

I looked down at her, my aura of confidence still surrounding me, "yeah, like that's going to happen anytime soon."

"Aww you suck!"  She puffed her cheeks and stomped her foot as we shared in a small fit of laughter.

I smiled to myself.

'maybe this whole partner thing won't be so bad after all'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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