Or Is It?

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Yuri's Pov

"Skate with me? " her (e/c) eyes meeting mine for a split second, before she took her rightful place on the ice.

I rolled my eyes, and took my jacket off, heading into the rink.

'quitting? Now? What the hell is she thinking?'

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail as I made my way over to her. Once I arrived at her side, she placed her hands behind her back, pivoted, and began gliding backwards on the ice so we were facing one another.

Minutes of irritating silence passed before I decided to speak up.

"Well? Are you gonna tell me or not?!"

Silence prevailed and she continued to dance steadily over the ice.

' why am I even bothering, I don't have all the damn time in the world!'

Irked, I turned to leave towards Yakov, who was waiting for me on the sidelines. My usual routine began and I decided to practice my jumps, but I couldn't focus. ' what exactly happened at finals? ' Reality hit me like a brick wall, and I found myself on my ass within seconds. 'God dammit. Why the hell do I care about it '

"Yuri. Focus on what your-" my coach began

"yeah yeah, you don't think I already know that, Shut up!" I retorted.

With few mistakes, I continued to practice my jump combinations and whatnot. It was only a matter of time however, before I was interrupted by him once again.

"Yuri, come here. I've got some important news. "

I sighed rolling my eyes. Looking to my left, I found (f/n) being called over to her coach as well. And as "excited" as they seemed, neither of the coaches spoke to us until speaking amongst themselves first. 'why'd you make me stop if you were just going to waste my time old man'

(f/n) and I looked at one another in confusion as they spoke quietly looking back at the both of us every so often.

"Maybe it's just me, but it looks like they're being awfully secretive over there doesn't it? " (f/n) said as she grabbed her water.

Narrowing my eyes in suspicion, I answered. "who knows what the hell they're up to. "

(f/n) being the curious cat she is, decided to "sneak" up to the both of them and eavesdrop. Now that she had left, I was alone on the ice to do as I pleased, and so I resumed practice.

During my step sequence work, I peered over my shoulder only to notice that she had joined in on the discussion. All three of them now constantly stealing glances in my direction.

Anxious as to why they insisted on keeping tabs on me, I kept my eye on them. I found I couldn't practice properly with prying eyes on me, so I stopped.

(f/n) looked back at me for the millionth time during their conversation.

"What?! " I scowled at the trio and they laughed.

I made my way over to the sidelines to talk to them.

"Alright I'm here. You can tell me what's going on now. " I stated stepping off the ice.

I began placing covers over my blades to allow me to walk over to them. Yakov however, shook his head at my actions as if I wasn't allowed to continue.

"No, no back on the ice Yuri, you'll see what all the talk was about in a moment. "

(f/n) was told to take to the ice as well, but she had a hesitant look in her eyes. Her mother then took the ice along with what looked to be a friend of hers.

'he looks familiar'

"Alright you two, pay attention. This is going to change the way you perform a lot."

"But mom, I said I didn't want to do this anymore!" (f/n) cut in."You know why..."

"Just wait until I'm done explaining, then you can voice your opinion alright? "

(f/n) sighed in response, crossing her arms in the process. Her mother and her acquaintance then took center stage.

"Alright you two, I'm sure you're both aware of your talents in the rink by now, yes? " The two of them began warming up, as though about to perform.

'... Of course I'm aware of that why do you think I have a gold medal? '

"As good as you are at this sport, I would like to push you even further with a challenge...If you'll accept."

"I'm sure I'll ace it, what exactly is it you want me to do? " I stated, confidence ringing in my voice.

"Yuri's in, how about you (f/n) I can only continue if you accept my challenge as well. I should mention there's no backing out though, so if you accept you both have to see it through till the end. "

"...I...uh" she seemed as though all her confidence had faded away. "Sure I guess. "

"Excellent!" Her mother cheered clasping her hands together in the process. "I need the both of you to pay very close attention."

Yakov looked as though he was relieved with (f/n)'s answer as well. He had a semi-proud look on his face as he motioned for me to pay attention to the duo currently occupying center stage.

"Mom? What are you... " (f/n) began, she adopted a confused look as her mother and partner got into starting positions for a couples routine.

"Yakov, if you could be so kind as to start the music! " She smiled

That's when it hit me... 'he was her Olympic partner for couples ice dancing back in 2014, but why are they...?'

"Yuri, pay attention!" Yakov called.

Snapping out of my thoughts, the music started and I watched as the medalists began their well known routine.


OK so your mother and her partner are basically taking the place of Meryl Davis and Charlie White in the Sochi Olympics. I'm aware they competed in ice dancing and not pair Skating, just quick info. 💙💚 I'm also aware that they are American but that will all be explained later. Bare with bare with! ^ω^

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