faith and distrust

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A/n I am so hooked on this song you guys should check CnBlue out I love just about everything they sing This is the Japanese version I believe ^ω^ okay story now.

(y/n) 's pov

A smile graced my features as I turned in Yuri's previous direction, yet he was no longer anywhere in sight. The only other one in the wide open space, was (bf/n).

'I could've sworn he was just here... Perhaps he left? '

Despite the slight sadness in my heart, I drifted over to where my friend was standing.

'it would make sense, arguments do tend to make things awkward between people. '

"Hey, do you know where Yuri disappeared to? Wasn't he just with you? " I inquired, hoping she would know something if not anything.

"ummm..." she looked around her as if looking for him as well. " maybe he went to the restroom? Not sure. "

"Lemme know if you see him, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I may have overreacted a little. " a blush rising to my cheeks from embarrassment.

'may have ha! I need to pull myself together '

"oh (y/n), I'm sure he understands...or will soon " she stated all to cheerfully for my liking.

'well that was awkward'

"Uh...if you say so..." I hesitantly replied. "But I still wanna say sorry. " I turned away from her glancing around the rink in case I somehow missed him, but he was still gone. "I'm gonna go check the locker rooms k? "

"WAIT! " she immediately grabbed my arm, pulling me in towards her.

"What?! "my eyes widened at the sudden change of behavior."geez (bf/n), you scared me, Baka."

"oh well I... I just wanted a hug " a wide smile accompanying her features as she said so, pulling me into her embrace in the process.

"what did you do? You're acting like you're hiding something." I quizzed almost laughing at her quirky demeanor.

"I could never!" an overly exaggerated swoon following her statement.
"Here, how bout I go check the locker rooms on this side and you check the other side okay? " she said walking off toward her destination. "I'll let ya know if I see him" she hollered waving back at me.

And so off she went, leaving me to stand alone in confusion on the rink. I laughed a little bit to myself wondering what I would be without her.

'something is up with that girl, whatever. Locker room B, here I come...'  I slowly made my way across the rink before I thought of something that hadn't occurred to me earlier. 'Then again he never once came over here, did he?  So why even check? . '

After that thought occupied my mind, I decided to head back over toward where (bf/n) had roamed off to.

Once taking proper care of my skates, I slowly wandered over to the locker rooms. I couldn't help but be curious of her rather unusual behavior, as my feet moseyed down the path.

'maybe something happened that she's not telling me '

When I came face to face with the entrance to the locker room, I paused at the sound of a faint back and forth conversation. I placed my ear to the door, staying a quiet as possible, only to hear the voices grow softer as if they had known I was there.

"well, now you know why she took such a beating after that." her hushed voice leaking through the thin doors.

"why didn't she tell me? It would've made everything a hell of a lot easier to understand..."

"Why do you think, Yuri? Don't tell me you don't know who that performance was meant for. She didn't want you to see her weaknesses. Especially during this performance. Practically everything she does on the ice, is for you." she chided. "maybe if you opened your eyes, you'd realize just how much she does for you specifically."

Yuri was silent after that, as if despite his rude nature, he couldn't dig up a valid comeback. It was after over hearing the conversation that I thought to myself... 'why are they talking about.... Oh gods no! I told her to get rid of that cursed video! '

I quickly opened the door, a sudden fear rising within me. I made my way towards their voices hoping my thoughts on the matter were false,  and that they were speaking of some other situation.

"speak of the devil" Yuri delivered with an unknown expression occupying his features.

His words confirmed the fact that they had been engaged in a conversation with none other than myself as their subject.

I looked back and forth between the two, sad disbelief sewn into my expression when looking at (bf/n).

"(f/n), I'm sorry I just...he had the right to know..." she was silent as she looked to Yuri then back to me. "So I told him to watch it while I kept you distracted..."

"Why didn't you let me know about it upfront, (f/n). " Yuri sighed before his next statement. "look. I don't usually say this kind of thing, but, I shouldn't have been so brash previously, I'm sorry...there's more to it than just that though." His eyes narrowed in disappointment.

he seemed to struggle with his upcoming words, and he averted my gaze. "You're a good friend and... It may not seem like it but I care about the struggles you're put through..." he paused as if contemplating whether he should continue or not. "I don't appreciate the fact that you kept this from me,  but I guess you have your damn reasons..."

He gathered up his belongings and turned towards the door with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

With a hint of sadness and distrust in his voice,  he began once more.

"But maybe you should try having a little bit more faith in me next time..."

And it was with these final words, that he left the frigid and untrustworthy environment.

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