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(f/n)'s pov

Before Yuri joined us on the ice, I was talking with (bf/n) about all the things that had been stressing me out as of late.  School had been rough for the last month or so, and now I was going to have to get myself together to train with Yuri in couples skating. That's a little bit more than intimidating considering the fact that he still has a future in this sport.

"I know it hasn't been easy for you these last few months, but you're an amazing performer and I'm sure you'll live up to everyone's expectations;You always have.  don't over worry your self because of a small incident that happened at finals." (bf/n) reassured.

"It's not like I seek perfection, but that fall really hurt my pride in being a competitive skater.  It's always going to be on my record now," my eyes started to water. " if I bring Yuri down because of my own mistakes I would feel awful... "

"but that's the point (f/n), sure it will always be on your record, but if you overcome it and shine even brighter than ever before,  you will have passed a major milestone. You can proudly step off the ice with Yuri and say 'it wasn't easy, but I did it.  I struggled to get here, but I did it,  I passed my test'."

I clenched my hands into fists trying to hold back my tears.

"That's what's so difficult about all of this!  I can't just overcome that challenge. That fear from finals will always reside on me now, and I just... " before I could pull myself together, (bf/n) pulled me into a welcoming embrace.

There was nothing I could do to prevent my tears from falling,  so I let them. ' I shouldn't be this worried,  but I can't help it'  I let (bf/n) comfort me with her calming words,  but before long someone interrupted.

"privet... What's wrong? " I looked toward the voice with what was left of my tears,  sitting in my eyes.

"yuri?" I whispered to myself.

'when did he get here?  How long was he watching...that's embarrassing...'

With a tone of annoyance ringing in his voice, he asked the question that I feared most.

"What happened at finals? Tell me... Now."

With that he took to the ice,  and headed towards us. He didn't seem to care that my cheeks were stained with previous tears. His expression remained neutral as he looked between the both of us as he crossed his arms waiting for me to reply.

The way he asked was kind of more of a command than a request. 'so today shall be the day I tell Yuri about... Finals... '

I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes for a moment; they narrowed and he sighed waiting for me to speak.

I averted my gaze and spoke up, hoping this would be a quick conversation.

" I fell..." I pressed my lips together and turned away from him.  " ...and I didn't get back up...I couldn't..." I said whispering the last few words.

I could feel his eyes watching me as I tried to discard the memory of finals from my mind. ' it's over with, I couldn't do anything about it. '

"That's it? " his tone almost aggravated."You want to give up your singles career because of a sm-" he took a deep breath before finishing his current sentence. "It was a damn fall, just get your ass back up, and keep going! don't make such a big deal out of it"

"It was a big deal!" I turned to Yuri, with a stern look on my face.

"Oh really,  cause last time I checked, that's a pretty common occurrence in our career.  If you thought it would never happen to you then you were in dream land. "

"I'm not an idiot Yuri!  You weren't there you wouldn't know how awful it was... Everyone, and everything was so overwhelming... It was pitiful " my statement lost volume as I went on, and I whispered the last part to myself.

All I could think of were everyone's comments, I was watching it all over again in mind, and tears stung at the back of my eyes. 

"You wouldn't know cause you're Mr. Perfect, who achieves exceptional scores  with beautiful programs without a single mistake! You-"

"You really think I haven't been through tough times!?"

"That's not what I'm saying!! I just..." I turned back around and allowed a few tears to fall,  my breathing ragged.
"You just... You wouldn't get it"

'I don't want to argue Yuri' With memories haunting my mind, I skated away from the both of them. 'I know it was just a fall,  but it's not that on particular that I'm so upset about, that performance was meant for you... you're one of my best friends, and I just wanted...' my thoughts refused to continue on after that,  and so I wrapped my arms around myself and drew designs on the ice with my skates.

Some time passed, and I looked around and noticed that (bf/n) was talking to Yuri. 'probably saying something ridiculous just to get his mind off the subject.'

I knew I shouldn't have allowed that fall to get to me,  but I was weary every time I set foot on the ice there after. I thought of practice tomorrow and how it would go if we were mad at one another. 

My mind then shifted,and I let out a soft laugh thinking about the two of us skating together like the "old days".

My blades carried me smoothly over the ice, my mind now in a better place.  As I reminisced about all the silly 'programs' we'd put together, I began to think that having a partner might be a nice change of pace.  I was always thought that being independent was the best way to show strength, but perhaps having someone to rely on, having someone there to help you get through, wouldn't be so bad.

'if I'm going to make this work,  Yuri and I have to build trust. I suppose I should apologize for the way I acted earlier huh... '

'It ain't gonna be easy,  but I think this may be a turn for the better'


💙I'm so sorry that took so long! I've been stressed out a lot as of late due to school and blah so apologies but here you are please tell me you're thoughts and enjoy! 💙 p.s. I can't get over how cute that pic is 💚

-Scarletfox 💜

Recovery  (Yuri Plisetsky x reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя