That's not possible

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Yuri's pov

After (y/n) had skated away from both me and her best friend, I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. 'It was just a fall, it can't have been that bad ' I pushed all thoughts on the subject out of my mind, and began dancing over the ice without a single thing running through my head. I had found that the rink can really help you let off some steam sometimes, but it wasn't helping thus far.

I looked over to see (y/n) carving similar designs into the ice as she twirled, keeping to herself. 'maybe I was too harsh on her... We have to be partners soon and I guess that means encouraging one another...'

"hey Yuri, come here real quick. I...I have something to show you. But you have to keep quiet about it. " (y/n)'s friend coaxed me off the rink pointing to her phone.

After placing the covers on my blades, I reluctantly went to check out whatever it was she wanted me to see. 'probably going to waste my damn time'

She looked all around her before signaling me over. 'why is she being so secretive about this.. " I walked over to the designated area waiting for her to speak up.

"First you have to promise me you won't tell (f/n) I showed you this. Promise? " she said checking to make sure (f/n) wasn't anywhere in sight.

I remained silent and stared at her, annoyance etched into my features; and there I sat, wishing she'd just get on with it.

"I said - Do you promise, Yuri? Answer me or forget about this." A serious look accompanied her cold tone.

"Fine. I promise or whatever. What the hell do you want?" I glared at her my temper slightly rising.

"Thank you..." she took her phone out of her back pocket and began entering her complicated looking pass code.

" she told me to delete it, but I kept it for this exact situation.. So glad I did. "her voice a whisper now.

After checking her surroundings once more, she took out her ear phones and handed them to me.

" Just go to the locker room and watch this I'll make sure (f/n) stays occupied; She would kill me if she knew I was doing this so please please please don't say anything!"

I sighed and turned towards the locker room as instructed. Once inside I leaned up against where my belongings were being held, and pressed play.

As soon as (f/n) stepped foot onto the ice, I knew what I was watching, and it grabbed my attention instantly. Commentators began discussing her past achievements as she warmed up, preparing for her finals routine. A radiant aura seemed to surround her as she smiled to those who would soon be cheering for her. It were as if not a single drop of anxiety was running through her.

Finally after the ice was cleared,she took the center of the rink waiting for her que. I sat in anticipation, wanting the music to start.

With the start of the music,began one of the most elegant and beautiful programs I had ever seen before. Each spin was effortlessly fulfilled, and each jump completed with perfect landings. 'this has to be the best she has ever done in her career thus far. She's exceptional'

About half way into her performance the announcers began to speak once more.

'what a beautiful program we have here today,  the execution of each jump showcases the work she has put into this. She's gracefully flowing through this piece with such an emotional presence. It's breathtaking. '

'indeed it's hard to take your eyes off of her for even a second. The young prodigy Yuri Plisetsky, should be proud to have been the inspiration for this wonderful performance.'

'wait.... Did he... '

I had been so hypnotized by her work that I just barely heard my name slip from the announcers mouth. Shifting the weight of my legs, I stood almost dumbstruck.

'I can't be the inspiration behind this program...  There's no way.. '

Before I could finish the thought however something instantly came to mind.


"I fell... "


I remembered the sorrow in her expression when she faced me; and as I continued to watch, fear began to set in as I waited for the inevitable to occur. The immense feeling of regret and guilt began to pervade my being as she got ready for what would most likely be her last jump of the program.

'I shouldn't have been so harsh... I didn't know'

She went into the jump like she would any other, brimming confidence and grace...yet the outcome was disastrous.

As soon as her blade touched ground, it snapped off to the side causing a grim twist of her ankle, and an unfortunate fall milliseconds later.

'that's not going to end well... For herself or her rep '

Her mother instantly called out to her, Sala taking the ice in an attempt to help her,  but before I could watch any further, I rewinded to the fall.

'something about that just wasn't right... Her skate shouldn't have just snapped like that ... '

Before looking too far back, I figured I'd watch the rest of the video checking for anything odd. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as the press rushed over to her asking a million questions.

I was about to unplug my headphones before her voice rang through the devices supplying their sound to me.

-I let you down Yuri,  I'm so sorry-


A/n: I am so so so so sorry for not updating I have been sssuuuppeeerrr busy as of late this year Im sorry if it doesn't live up to your standards. I tried!!  😔 😔 gomennasai!!! 

-Love (or hate)  Scarletfox07 💜💔

Recovery  (Yuri Plisetsky x reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz