2 A.M.

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Yuri's pov

With my phone still confiscated, I began my jog back home. The streets were glowing with car lights and the breeze felt refreshing. Without social media to distract me, I allowed my thoughts to roam.
'couples skating with (f/n) ? It'll be a challenge no doubt if she doesn't explain what's bothering her. '

I had noticed as soon as she set foot on the ice this evening that something wasn't quite right. Through out the duration of practice she had performed each of her jumps in what seemed to be fear. 'On top of that she didn't cleanly stick one landing. Usually her jumps were her most confident areas in her programs, but now...'

My jog home was a short one, and once I arrived I went to take a shower, still allowing my thoughts whirl around. I gathered my clothes and headed for the bathroom. 'Did she fall perhaps? She's fallen before and been just fine though..' I know falling during finals wouldn't be a nice experience, but it is what it is.

I stood still eyes closed, letting the warm water stream over my body. 'perhaps she wasn't able to perform? But what could possibly cause that? Besides, she didn't seem to have any injuries' I pitched that thought.

I chose to change the subject of my thoughts to one's that would benefit myself, and continued to shower.

Following my rinse off, I fed my cat and laid down on my bed.

"well now what? " I sighed placing my hands behind my head. "I should've taken my damn phone from him... I suppose TV will work" I turned through the channels until I found something that grabbed my interest.

Time passed, and it was now 1:35, yet I wasn't tired. Logically, I should have been due to today's practice...then again It was cut short because of the announcement of our challenge. 'I'm so freaking bored'

I sat with my cat resting on my lap, as I contemplated my choices.
'I suppose I could go for a walk... What else am I gonna do?'
I gently nudged my cat to get off my lap, so not to remain prisoner, then went to put on appropriate clothing for the night's frigid temperatures. Since I had grown up with very cold winters, I never found the cold vexing however, I still wore suitable clothing for the moody climate.

With my shoes and my coat on, I slipped out into the night, heading to the ice rink. I figured by the time I walked there and back, I'd be more than tired.

A light blanket of fresh snow lie on the pavement, and I listened to the soft crunching of it beneath my shoes as I walked. 'This is kind of relaxing actually'
The occasional car would pass, causing my head to turn every now and then, but most of the walk was rather... Peaceful.

After a bit of walking, I looked up to find the streetlights softly illuminating the front entrance of my destination. I stood looking up at the building for a minute or two allowing the cold air to course through my lungs. 'I should head back but.. ' I slowly made my way towards the building, heading up the small set of stairs leading to the door.

"Yuri? " I was interrupted by a confused voice calling my name.

'who the...? '

I turned around to see (f/n) and one of her friends standing there.

"what are you doing here? At this hour especially?" she inquired.

Narrowing my eyes I looked in her direction, " I could ask you the same damn thing, ... I just couldn't sleep is all." I averted my gaze to the glowing snow adorning the environment.

The both of them began to walk up to where I had been standing. By the time they reached me, (f/n)'s confidant (bf/n), began to unlock the doors to the rink, and I looked at them in slight confusion before averting my gaze once more.

"are you going to practice?" I asked focused on the falling snow, my hands now in my pockets.

"well I just needed to get my mind off of some things, so I figured since my best friend owns the place, why not skate to do exactly that." she sighed shortly afterwards, and looked into the distance for a quick moment.

"you can come in if you want, I'm sure (bf/n) wouldn't mind. " she offered.

I simply nodded in response. A few minutes after (f/n) had gone inside, I found my through the doors, and to the front counter. 'How coincidental...' I headed to the lockers, entering my code to receive my skates. I had left them here knowing I'd be back the next morning for our first day of couples practice.

Skating without having to worry about anyone else on the ice besides (f/n) would be nice for a change. No cameras no worries, just the ice. I sat down and took my jacket off, as I placed my feet into my skates and began lacing them up.

Tying my jacket around my waist I headed towards the rink. Taking the covers off of my blades, I stepped onto the already occupied ice, only to be met by a confusing sight.

It was (f/n) and her friend both on the ice, but the odd thing was that (f/n) seemed to be crying. 'what the hell has gotten into her as of late, she's like a completely different person now '

"privet... What's wrong?" It was unlike me to engage in conversations like these, but I was really curious to see what was causing her interesting behavior.

'Might as well ask'

She looked back at me as if startled that I had been there at all. The slightest formation of tears in her eyes.

It didn't phase me in the least.

With a twinge of annoyance accompanying my voice and features, I asked the question I wished to know the answer to.

"What happened at finals? Tell me... Now. "


Privet is hey in Russian :) see y'all later! Hope you're enjoying! Farewell! For now loves! ^ω^💙💜

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