I Hate When You Cry

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"You need to hunt with us more. We barely see you these days." Dean whispers softly in my ear.

"What are you talking about? I see you all the time."

"No, you see my dad all the time. You never hang out with me or Sam."

"I've been busy. Don't worry. I'll be around a lot more now."

"Busy with that guy, Seth?"

"Why? Are you jealous?" I ask playfully.

"No. Of cour- what is that?" His eyes land on my wrist.

"Nothing." I mumble, pulling my sleeve down in attempt to hide the very obvious purple color forming on my skin.

"What is that from?" He demands, grabbing my forearm gently.

"A hunt." I lie easily. Pulling out of his grip, I smile up at him. "Vampire. I'm fine, promise."

"I know you enough to know when you're lying." His eyes widen suddenly as if something just clicked in his mind. "He did it, didn't he? That guy you were seeing?"

He clenches his jaw, his face turning red. His hands begin shaking as threats spew out of his mouth.

My eyes burn, tears welling up inside them. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I whisper almost inaudibly.

His green eyes soften at the sound of my voice. He visibly relaxes. "Did you tell dad?" He asks softly.

"No. Please don't tell him." I beg.

"Why not?"

"He'd be so disappointed in me." I choke out.

"Don't cry." He whispers, using the tips of his fingers to wipe away the tears falling down my cheeks. "I hate when you cry."

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. Hiccups and sobs push past my lips while my tears drip onto his shoulder.

"You're not going back there. You're staying with us for a while."

"I'm sorry. I know should've done something! I ju-"

"Shhh..." Dean shushes me softly, rubbing his hands up and down my back. "It's not your fault. It'll be okay. I promise."

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