Stay With Me

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Sam walked toward me, not noticing the man running behind him.

"Sam, look out!" Deans voice warns from beside me.

An object thrusts through Sams chest. A red color pools through his shirt. His knees buckle under him and falls to the ground.

"No!" Protests of Dean and Bobby sound through the air.

My feet pound against the gravel. The sound of my heartbeat rings in my ears. Pushing my sore legs to keep moving, I run past Sam.

I move quickly, forcing myself closer to Sams attacker. I reach my hand out towards him. My cold finger tips graze against the back of his neck.

Swiftly he stops, turning to face me. He forces his weight onto me sending me falling to the ground. His hands wrap around my throat.

I push my boot covered feet into his stomach, but his grip doesn't waver. My finger nails dig into his hand. I gasp loudly, the air getting trapped in my throat.

Black dots dance around the edge of my vision. Gunshots ring through my ears.

"Bobby!" My scream comes out like pained whisper.

The mans grip loosens slightly, before a sharp pain shoots through the side of my neck. I reach out in attempt to grab the man by his collar, but he moves back quickly.

My sight becomes blurry. A feeling of nausea spreads throughout my body. My skin burns. My legs tingle with numbness.

One last gunshot sounds, and the man falls to the ground.

The familiar warm, metallic taste of blood fills my mouth. My droop as bobby drops to his knees in front of me. I cough and sputter, choking on the liquid filling my mouth.

"Alice? Alice, stay with me!"

Slowly my vision turns black.

Aliceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें