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jakku was quite something. but not in the way you'd expect.

it was flat out boring, but rey found herself enjoying the blandness of her town.

she found it almost fitting to her, the days all spent exactly the same, an undisrupted peace of waking up, going to work, then coming back home to sleep.

but she often found herself often wondering how it'll be like to live a life of adventure. one where you would do something different everyday, each day never being the same as the other.

it was an exhilarating thought. one that liked to keep itself at the edge of her mind.

a reality like that seemed to be lifetimes away, well it used to.

then the flowers started to show up at her doorstep.

they weren't usual flowers. not the ones you would give to a significant other, or to someone after they aced their performance. nothing ranging from tulips to roses ever showed up at her door.

it was always a dandelion. a single dandelion threatening to blow itself away in the wind.

the dandelion wasn't a fresh one either. the golden yellow petals had been long changed to a feathery silver gray. they reminded her of when she was a child. students rushing out during recess time in order to claim the feathering buds. her grubby hands had grabbed at the green stems, lifting them up to her small face and blowing.

rey brought the flower close to her face. closing her eyes, she thought of a wish. it almost seemed childish, something her younger self would've done.

but it didn't stop her from wishing. because maybe one day it'll come true.

so rey blew at the dandelion, sending the small tendrils flying off into the wind.

she watched them float away, being blown farther away until they were completely out of her line of sight.

rey continued to stand outside the doorway, staring ahead into the skyline, taking in the sights and sounds of jakku. it was quite calming in that moment, the warm wind blowing softly at her face, making her whisps of hair dance around her forehead and ears.


she turned around to face finn, who was standing behind her. he looked amused, a smile apparent on his face.

"what are you doing out here peanut?"


"i think you should think inside."

"and why is that?"

"you can't stay out here forever."

rey turned around to face him, he looked concerned. she couldn't exactly blame him. what would you think if your best friend was standing outside staring out into nothing?

crazy. you'll think they're crazy.

"i wish i can."

finn made a face, crossing his arms across his chest.

"and why is that?"

"i don't know, it's peaceful out here."

he didn't reply, instead joining up next to her and the two simply sat in silence, letting the wind blow gently at their faces.

"i guess you're right."

"i guess i am."

he didn't reply instead continuing to focus at the sun above their heads.

"i've been thinking, finn."


"life out of this town. what if we could move, explore somewhere else?"

"i don't think that'd be a good idea."

"come on finn, it'll be nice."

"maybe sometime later, but not now," he shook his head. "we are low on money if you can remember."

"i do remember...it was just a thought."

"well maybe we'll be able to make that thought a reality, some day peanut."

"thank you."

finn gave her one last look before finally heading inside their apartment. she watched as he shut the door behind him and soon rey was back to her lonely silence.

from across the street she spotted a big van. it looked very worn and old and rey was suddenly curious. behind it was a small white car, it looked in much better condition than the van but was fairly worn as well.

the two cars had pulled up in front of an empty building. it had a huge 'for sale' sign on the front window and the rest of the windows were covered in a brown paper.

a woman stepped out of the smaller car. she looked older but still seemed to hold a regal aura around her. someone else preceded to come out from the car as well.

he was young, looked about rey's own age or a bit older. the man bore a harsh scowl on his face, and seemed disinterested in anything going on.

rey continued to watch the pair and believed that the woman was most likely the man's mother.

a feeling of both jealously and annoyance went through her. if she were in his position she'd be doing the opposite of scowling.

having a mother, should be enough of a reason to keep a smile on your face.

rey didn't know the man, but what she did know was that she disliked him.

and with that thought, she walked back into the apartment.

a newly formed scowl on her face.

a/n: look a new book bloop
hopefully it won't turn out to be utter crap. anyways i hope you liked the first chapter. btw i wrote in all lower case letters for effect lol but seriously thank you for reading and don't forgot to comment because that's what keeps me going <3

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