• cнapтer 6 •

230 15 16

a/n: highkey inspired by "worry" by the vamps, so here's another chapter!!

"wake up, i've been tryna save us
i'm not gonna give up, but you don't seem to worry at all
so wake up, i've been tryna save us
i'm not gonna give up, but you don't seem to worry at, worry at all..."

ren's clear voice rang throughout the house. this time it was full of some sort of lament. usually he didn't like to sing that loud, ren never liked others to listen to his voice.

but sometimes he liked to let everything out. so that's what he did, still fully aware that his mother, rey, finn, and poe were downstairs.

in a few minutes he expected one of them to come barging to complain about he was too loud and that his voice was interrupting their meaningless conversation.

fuck them.

he continued to strum, not yet singing any longer. ren only knew the chorus so far of the song he was writing so maybe if he played the planned chords he could finish the song up.

but he played the same chords over and over again. his fingers strumming against all the same strings.

but nothing.

"damn it!"

he cursed out loud, throwing his song book across the room while muttering a few more words under his breath. ren got up from the chair in his room and started to stomp around, it was quite a childish act to do but he was quite overwhelmed in that moment.

first bazine showed up out of nowhere now rey seems to be the main occupant of his mind. it was all way too frustrating.


"ben! what did i saw about using language like that?"

"sorry mom..."

he rolled his eyes before pacing around the room once again. from downstairs he could hear their effortless laughter. the way happy conversation slipped so easily from their lips.

it frustrated him.

ren sometimes wished he could be that carefree but it wasn't that easy for him. especially considering the what has happened in the past day.


she was quite something. his very first love to be exact. ren remembers the first date they had. they were freshmen in high school and had gone to the school carnival.

it was totally lame and ended with ren almost becoming completely broke in his attempts to win her a prize. but he had gotten his first kiss that day.

ren doesn't know why but his first date and their breakup were the only events he remembered in vivid memory in the time they were together.

he remembers that she cheated and that when he was on his knees begging for her back she got her new boyfriend to beat him up. the one she'd been hooking up with behind his back.

this was in junior year and the guy was a senior.

ren also remembers writing his first song after she broke his heart completely.

soon ren stopped pacing, and he decided to pick up his songbook once again. he sat back down on his bed, holding the open book in his lap.


"who is it?"

"it's rey."


she knocked on the door once again and he ignored it, remaining occupied in his thoughts.

"ren, can you open the door?"

"why should i?"

"i want to talk to you."

he got up from the bed and walked towards the door. ren didn't open it thought instead he leaned against it.

"why would you want to talk to me? i'm 'mr.asshole' remember?"

"and i'm 'little miss hothead' now open up?"

sighing he turned around and turned the knob, allowing rey to step in.

"make it quick."

rey nodded stepping inside. she looked down at her feet at first before facing him.

"look ren..."

"what is it?"

"are you okay?"


"i heard your singing from downstairs and it sounded emotional i guess."

rey shrugged, playing it off as if it was no big deal.

"are you okay?"

"i'm fine rey."

"are you sure?"

"yes! goddammit i'm fine! please...just leave..."

"ren i..."


rey nodded slowly before walking out the door leaving ren alone in his thoughts.

he then found himself reaching for his notebook once again. and with that he wrote down a few more lyrics.

"i'm sorry that i pushed you away and i'm sorry, i couldn't give you everything and i need you just to try to understand i let you take from me it all, it's just i feel like half a man."

a/n: enjoy the update!! ily all and wish me luck for my vocab quiz tomorrow <3

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