• cнapтer 8 •

188 13 16

a/n: sorry i haven't updated in a bit i've been busy with school and some other things but i'm here now lol read authors note at the bottom after this because it's important <3

rey found herself closed up in her room laughing. it was quite a silly predicament but considering everything that has gone on it was quite nice. maybe forcing herself to let out half hearted sounds of joy was better than crying out of pity.

ren was stupid. bazine was stupid. poe was stupid too especially since he made her get that stupid ribbon.

rey muttered a few more words of annoyance before forcing more laughs from her mouth.

suddenly she stopped, the laughter soon turning into consistent hiccups.

"rey why do you do this to yourself?"

rey walked over to her mirror, staring her reflection right in the eyes.


she remained silent as soon as she let the words escape her lips. her reflection didn't seem to be much of a help, the lips of the mirror stayed closed shut.


there was no answer once again, as if she had one anyways.

"you're a mess rey."

those were the last words she said before turning away, sneaking once last look at her reflection before she was gone.



"yeah finn?"

"are you okay? if you're not you know you could talk to me right?"

"i know that," rey mumbled before picking at her take-out chinese food once again.

"then talk to me."

"i'm fine finn."

he made a face, shaking his head at rey.

"rey, we've been friends for years, you are not okay. tell me what's wrong."

"i'm fine, it's nothing," rey looked down at her barely touched plate once again. "i'm going to take a walk to the park."

"why? what about your food? you haven't finished eating."

"i'm not hungry anymore," rey headed towards the door to put on her shoes. "and i just need time to think."

"sounds good," finn almost seemed reluctant to let her go but he knew rey would come around when ready. "just know i'm here if you need me."

"i know," rey smiled at finn. "i'll keep that in mind, thank you."


it was raining outside to say the least. the clouds seemed to have reflected rey's inner emotions. the raindrops pouring down reminding rey of the tears falling down her own face.

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