• cнapтer 7 •

234 13 22

a/n: yesterday i took my last midterm so that means i'll be able to update more. also i'm sick today so i'm probably going to be doing a few updates if i can.

"he's strange."

"what do you mean?"

"remember when we went to leia's house? i went to check on ren."

"and why would you do that?"

rey shrugged, "i don't know he seemed sad i guess."

"you're too nice rey...but still, how was he weird."

"he seemed broken in that moment i guess, he was sad."

"that's something new for that prick."

"i guess it is..." rey looked down at her feet. "we better get back to work though, before he comes to check on us."

poe nodded, "you're right..." he turned towards the counter. "where's finn?"

"he's been sick for the past week and a recluse. it was a struggle to even get him to leia's house."

"oh, tell him poe said to get well soon."

"i will," rey gave poe a small smile as ren walked into the room.

he bore the same usual scowl, washing away the remains of his former vulnerability.

the only difference this time was that he was joined by someone else, a young woman.

the same one from yesterday.

"bazine, these are some of the people who worked for my father," he simply beckoned at both rey and poe and in response bazine batted her lashes.

"i think i met the girl yesterday."

"my name is rey actually, not 'the girl'."

"of course, of course," she smiled grimly at rey, who seemed almost smug in the moment.

"well, me and ben are heading out..."

"heading out?" rey crossed her arms across her chest, a look of distaste on her face.

"yeah? you have a problem with that?"

in response she stepped forward, getting close to bazine's face.

"yes, actually i do. and before you flatter yourself saying i lust after your shitty boyfriend, hear me out...ren is my boss and you can't just take him out of work just like that!" rey turned to face ren. "and today is payday."

bazine simply snickered in response, "i don't care girl." her voice was low, "he's the boss and he could do whatever he pleases, so that means he comes with me."

daggers shot from rey's eyes as she watched the pair make their way out the door. the cool air stung at rey's face, making her face scrunched in irritation at the betrayal that had just occurred.

"fuck ren and fuck that bitch."


poe seemed startled at her sudden outburst. cursing wasn't something rey was very fond of doing.

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