1. Emails at Night

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The Sons Of Satan

Their real names cannot be spoken by any human tongue. On their heads grows the ram horns, they've become most recognizable for, their glowing hellish eyes gleaming with more evil than one could ever imagine. The Two Sons Of Satan, among the highest favourites of the many children the Devil has come to father, the famous duo finding much glee in terrorizing the human race for the centuries they've been around.

Two of the most wild archdemons in Hell, these two are very violent and dangerous. Said to be descendants of the deadly sin Lust, rumor has it that they are devilishly attractive. Unlike the usual demon horns that most of the Underworld possesses, this duo has big, heavy ram horns, said to be symbols of favouritism shown to the two by the Devil himself. Legend holds the tales of this pair terrorizing and wreaking absolute havoc wherever they traveled off to, especially during the Middle Ages when they were the most active. Causing wars to break out, terror to be drilled into the hearts of the fearful people of Earth, setting churches ablaze, and generally causing chaos wherever they went. It is even said that the younger one could breathe fire, like the dragons of old.

You may be wondering, now, if these beings were to actually exist, could I summon them? The answer is, well, of course. At a price, but yes, you definitely could try to, at least. Stories surround the spell to summon them, tales of true nightmarish occurrences regarding these archdemons and their 'playful' attitude. Use at your own risk, I warn you.

Frank felt drool drip down his chin and onto his keyboard before he caught himself doing so, letting out a surprised noise as he quickly wiped off the drool before it could soak into the keys. If one were to come in and see this pulled on his computer, which is why he was reading this strange article his friend, Jamia, had emailed him just a couple of moments ago. It was late on a school night, but not late enough to still not enjoy and share some interesting occult articles, eh? This one Jamia found 'particularly interesting', as she put it, saying that she would honestly love to try this out, which Frank could agree with. Ever since he found his love for all things occult, he had a hankering for summoning something like this. Even if it was fake, he didn't really care, he just liked having the adrenaline pump through him as he cast a spell, wondering what on Earth would happen. And this seemed perfect.

Cool! I kinda want to try this now. Frank emailed back, bookmarked the page in his browser for later as he read through the spell, sort of skimming through it and sort of waiting for a reply.

yeah ikr, the spell looks difficult tho and it seems like u need blood for it, of course lol Jamia replied back, Frank letting out a chuckle as he shook his head. These things always required some blood sacrifice, just to give it that edge.

I'll think about it. Pete and Lindsey would be all over it though Frank responded.

ohhhhhhh yes theyd love something like this, ill go ahead and forward it 2 them and see what they think Jamia said, adding a little ' :) ' a couple moments later. Frank kept his email tab open as he continued to research this odd page, scrolling down past the long but interesting backstory and into the spell part. Yeah, Jamia was right. This did look fairly difficult. You needed a lot of things, included the aforementioned blood, and all sorts of weird items like a special kind of incense and holy water and whatnot that Frank knew was kind of hard to get. But oh well. If the time came he could get them, he did have a nice job working at a nearby shop which did bring a good chunk of money, well, for a teenager, they'd just need to go out and about more.

damn pete replied fast he said that hes down for whatever Jamia said, Frank letting out another laugh. His friend, Pete, had literally no life, and besides bass and school at home he was glued to his computer. So it didn't really surprise him that the dude replied so fast.

omg he said hell try and get patrick on this yes Jamia said again.

So he thinks we're gonna do this? Frank emailed back, not exactly sure what the other was thinking.

i guess so, i told him its up there but i think he just wants to do it Jamia replied, Frank furrowing his eyebrows.

Cool. But we still would have to figure out how we're gonna get this shit, I mean, holy water? I doubt they would let a punk like me into a church to grab some fuckin' holy water. Frank noted, and he could almost hear Jamia on the other side grumbling to herself.

true... but that is why you have friends like me hon. Jamia said, and Frank had to chuckle a little bit at that.

Alright. But it's still up for debate, it says we do need quite a lot of people to pull this off, so I'm not too sure. Frank replied.

yeah ok, ill leave it bookmarked and talk to ray and the others about this. lyn and pete will be very excited, but guessing ray and bob will have their doubts, as usual, but i could persuade them, as i always do ;)) Jamia said, and Frank knew that that was the end of their short conversation. Making a small edit to his bookmark, changing the name to 'interesting', and adding it to his bookmarks shelf, the reading of occult related articles continued deep into the night, the two emailing each other ones that caught their eyes but none of them coming close to the interest shown within the satanic article. It was deeply interesting, and as Frank said his goodnights to the other and shut his computer down, finally heading off to bed at the ripe old time of 2am, he couldn't help but think, what if he did try this? What would happen?

Maybe, hopefully even, he'll soon know.

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