3. Vinnie's

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Frank brushed down his static-y mohawk as he shelved the last book on the cart he had been towing around with him around the bookstore, sighing heavily before making his way back to the front of the store. Even though he liked his job, he got decent money and could finish most of his homework in the free time that had been generously given to him by his lovely manager, it could be tiring sometimes constantly going through the surprisingly monotonous process of shelving books and tending to any customers who had any questions for him.

It was the end of his shift, time for him to go home. Or the aforementioned Vinnie's. Same thing, basically. They could be synonymous by now, for all Frank knows. Again, the lovely old woman working there, Vinnie, knew them all by name. And a lot about them, actually. Which was good, it was fun discussing about pop culture in her quaint little hole-in-the-wall shop.

Frank stuck his hand in his pocket, pulling out a scrunched little paper of the ingredients/things they will need from Vinnie's once he gets off work. He smiled, his heart already speeding up in excitement as he rolled up to the main desk.

"Alright, you're done for today. You've done some good work!" His manager said to him as he got back to the counter, his manager's smile lighting up his day. That dude just has a good smile, okay? "See ya tomorrow!" His manager waved to Frank as Frank exited, waving back with his own smile as he passed through the doors to the bookstore he worked at.

"Oh hey Frank!" He heard Ray's voice call out to him, Frank spinning his head around to see the fro god waving at him from nearby, his group of friends hanging out with him, locked in conversation about something. It was clear they were all waiting for him, as they normally do.

Frank waved back at them, jogging over and formally greeting. "Hi!" He said, the others finally turning around to notice him and waving back. "Are we gonna head up to Vinnie's?" Frank said, the rest of them nodding, Jamia jumping up and speed walking over to him.

"Yes! Right now, like you said." Jamia said, getting the group up and back together for the journey to the old witchcraft shop they enjoyed. No need for a car, no, it was close enough to make a car useless. And plus, they all had their own modes of transportation (the majority having cars (Pete didn't have his license yet, rest in peace), but Jamia and Bob having motorcycles), and it would be weird if three or four cars plus a couple motorcycles piling in the parking lot outside the shop. So they just walked up there usually, talking about random things that popped into their minds. And that is what they were doing right now, doing something relatively unheard of in the modern world and actually walking places.

"Frank!" He heard Lindsey as she jogged up to him as they were making their journey. Frank turned his head around as she walked up, slowing down to a walk as she continued to speak. "I cannot believe how excited I am! But, a little thing I thought of, and this is more of a silly question than anything else. Since they're supposedly descendants of Lust, and supposedly really attractive, does that mean we chicks are gonna have to fight you for them?" Lindsey said, giggling to herself as Frank's eyes widened. Yeah, he was gay, and his group knew it. But the question puzzled him. If they were several hundred years old, possibly more than that, surely their age has to show somehow. But as he couldn't know for sure, so he just shrugged.

"Possibly." Frank said with a wink, making Lindsey laugh, putting her fists up in a mock fighting position.

"I'm ready." Lindsey said.

"Mortal Kombat!!" Somebody (likely Bob) yelled from behind them, making the two laugh. Pretty much, to be honest.


Soon they were all outside the old and quaint shop, Frank entering first into the sweet smelling store known as Vinnie's.

Trinkets filled the shelves as Ray nearly avoided getting a mouthful of feathers from several dreamcatchers hanging from the ceiling, everything from shelves of incense burners (including a rad dragon one) and sage/incense to books on every kind of branch of witchcraft and occult out there sitting pretty on the shelves, ready for someone curious enough to buy them. Cloths and other assorted altar decorations lined parts of one wall, the place lit with flickering candles as well as warm lights dangling from the ceiling. It truly was a magical place, Frank knew that for sure.

"Oh my! Hello Frank!" A sweet voice coming from the counter area made Frank's head turn to see a shorter figure emerge from the back area of the store, white hair pulled up into a somewhat messy ponytail and bright and lively green eyes glowing with life as she pulled her red-orange gradient robes behind her. This was Vinnie, a kind old witch who loved the hell out of Frank and his gang.

"Hello Vinnie!" Frank said with a smile, forms of what he had said echoing through the store as the other said it as well. Vinnie smiled at them, making her way over to Frank, with an impressive speed for her short legs.

"In here again, eh? What's it this time? I'm sure I could help!" Vinnie said with a warm smile, her old face creasing with wrinkles.

Frank bit his tongue, looking away from her for a quick second as he briefly debated on telling her or not. See, she was a protective woman, and she often gave her word on some of the spells that the group has performed, warning them of the deep consequences that may occur. But they haven't come with something as big as this, a satanic ritual, so it was clear why he debated on whether telling her they were going to do this or not. But he decided to just bring up the subjects of the summoning, trying to keep it more vague than anything.

"Okay, um, have you heard of The Sons of Satan?" Frank said, and it took a minute for Vinnie to react, but her eyes widened in fear as she stepped back slightly.

"Oh my, them? With the younger one who could breathe fire? Ram horns? Oh yes, I've heard many things about those two." Vinnie said, wringing her hands as she looked up at Frank with a questioning glint in her green eyes. "What about them?"

Frank bit his lip. "U-Um, just asking..." He said, looking away from her as his hands fiddling with a random glass item taken off of the shelf in front of him.

"Frank? You aren't planning what I think you're planning, are you?" Vinnie said, Frank staying silent, and Vinnie took this as an obvious yes. "You know these two are nothing to joke about. These are real, dangerous, and extremely violent creatures. The consequences for successfully summoning them would be absolutely catastrophic." Vinnie said, Frank continuing to stay silent. "You could get dragged down into Hell with them, you could get into major trouble with several beings, including the law, there are all sorts of reasons not to do this. Although I cannot stop you, Frankie, there are other occult shops in town and elsewhere you could visit and gather the things you need for this, just know that this is extremely dangerous and too risky for any sane person to do. And remember, you're not the only one in this." Vinnie said, Frank casting a glance over at his excited friends. He knew how risky this was, but he still felt the need to do it, so despite Vinnie's points-

"We all know how risky this is. Yet we all agreed to it." Frank said, Vinnie looking at him with a somewhat disappointed face, but it was mixed with other emotions such as worry and concern for the teenagers.

"As I said, I cannot stop you." Vinnie said as her last words, shuffling off into the back of the store as Frank sighed.

"What was that about?" He heard Jamia from near him, and Frank shrugged.

"Vinnie being protective again." Frank said, sighing once more as he set back the little glass item he was holding onto the shelf, running his hands through his mohawk before pulling out the little scrunched piece of paper from earlier. "Here's what we need, I'll try and look around in the incense for that shit and some sage..."


Jamia set the necessary items on the payment counter, sliding over a 20 from Frank towards Vinnie as Pete squealed nearby over something. Vinnie bagged the items up, her usually bright and cheery green eyes dulled down and darkened with a fair warning with these people who were about to perform such a dangerous ritual.

"As I said, I cannot stop you. but I hope to God and all other divine and holy beings that you are all untouched by the end of this." Vinnie said, waving them goodbye as she disappeared into the back of the store, Lindsey taking the bags into her hands as they exited the store, a few whispering goodbye as the tinkling of the bells hanging from the front door echoed in the now eerily quiet shop.


everything will start next chapter i promise

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