2. 2kool4skool

161 8 19

Getting up for school was always a pain in the ass, no matter what age you were.

But it seemed to be getting worse and worse for a poor seventeen year old Frank each and every school day. He waited and worked long and hard days every week for the blissful release of the weekends, getting to sleep in as much as he wanted (if that is, he doesn't get woken up by one of his friends texting him, which unfortunately does usually happen), not really worry about homework and get to do well, whatever he wanted, really.

So that is why he felt so shitty right now. It was the end of the weekend, school was about to begin, and it was, of course, a Monday.

Rest in peace.

Rolling out of bed and lazily slapping his alarm clock to shut it up, the incessant beeping from the damn thing really getting on his nerves, he groaned at himself for staying up so late last night as he tiredly scratched at the blond sides of his crazier hair, shifting the black mohawk part of it out of his vision as he shifted across the house and into the bathroom, relishing in the fact that his parents were both off at work and he didn't have any siblings, meaning that he was all alone. Good. He finally got some time to do some quality thinking, even if it was through a fuzzy, half-asleep brain.

Frank splashed water on his face in order to wake himself up further, wanting to make sure he wouldn't fall asleep later in the shower. He had done that once. And, um, yeah, that obviously didn't end well. Grabbing a towel out of the cabinet and turning the tap on and quickly ducking out of the way of the water cascading from the showerhead above, he shut the door to the bathroom and quickly jumped into the shower.

Washing his body down, squeezing out dollops of shampoo onto his hand and splashing those onto his hair and quickly rubbing it in. When he returned his hands in front of his face, he frowned when he saw splotches of both black and yellow on his fingers, and as he cast a look at the drawer in which the bottles of hair dye lay he knew he was going to have to use those again.

He finished up in the shower, taking a quick look at his hair to make sure it was fine (which it was), threw his clothes back on and quickly made something to eat. It was approaching time in which he had to travel to hel- he means school, and deal with the horrors and lay in store for him today.

Frank sighed as he dumped the dirty dishes into the sink and ran a hand through his still-wet hair, the sudden ringing of his phone bringing him back to attention as he ran towards his room where he last had it, sliding it open to see that Jamia was calling. That definitely put a smile on his face, even on a shitty day.

"Hey!" He said excitedly as he began to get his stuff together, grabbing his car keys off of the dresser and stuffing them into his pocket.

"Hello Frank!" Jamia said over the line, and Frank could hear her smile over the phone.

"Any reason you're calling?" Jamia didn't really call in the morning, as she was about as dead as Frank was, so it poked it Frank's curiosity as he heard a sigh over the line.

"Well, not really much other than a couple of things." Jamia said. "I know it was like, just last night and everything but damn that article. I know we need to do some serious thinking about it, as always, if we decide we want to try it out, but Pete called me earlier and said he got Patrick onto it, which I found hilarious." Jamia said, and Frank laughed. His friend, Patrick, was very cautious when it came to these things, but with the right words from Pete - and strangely, only Pete - he would do it.

"We'll all have a talk at lunch, Pete'll probably convince everyone to do it as he is apparently really excited about it- which I'm not too surprised about. But again, there are so many things that could go wrong with this- I mean, what if we actually summon something? I know like the article is kinda sketchy and shit but man." Gotta keep that skeptic attitude up, so he doesn't look like an idiot to the reader. "We'll show it to Bob, he's the bullshit detector."

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