The Female Titan - Flashback (PART Treee- yes tree)

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Flashback (cont'd)

3rd POV

Akari finished her story and Erwin was the first to speak

"Eren Jeager...." He said

"Do you know him!? Can I meet him at least, him and his friends? Please" Akari asked " I just want to see how he's grown up"

"Hey brat, you weren't that old either back then right?" Levi asked

Akari nodded in responce

"I think there was a cadet application by a person named Eren Jeager" Pixis said.

"Yes, I also remember the names Armin Alert and Mikasa Ackerman. Seems like those children you saved have grown up to be brave children and wish to live for a good cause." Erwin responded.

"WHAT?! Their going to be soliders. Oh no what happens if they die in the field, get eaten by titans, be betrayed by their friends. no OAO" Akari panicked

"Calm down -_- For a sixteen year old
(yea may I edited the chapter before this and changed her age but for those who read later on dw ^-^)
that has the brain of a two year old you can be weirdly mature...

stop it" Levi stated

Akari looked at him, looking done with him. :[ <- her face

" Do you value these children that much Miss Akari?" Pixis asked

"Yes. I do, I first met them when I was around their age and thought 'hey they seem pretty cute and comforting'.Even if it was for a short time and a sad situation, they made me keep coming back."

Erwin and Levi looked at her, questioningly

"I would come back every couple of months from outside the walls and watch over them well more so watch them squabble...fall and be adorably stupid but... hey that's not what matters right" Akari answered their questioning gazes.

"... If we allow you to meet them once again, to protect them and look over them, will you join the Survey Corps secretly?" Erwin asked

"You'll be able to watch them squabble, fall and be adorably stupid again " Pixis added

"If I can meet them again, that would be a bonus to our deal, I don't mind helping you anyways. Seems like you'll need my help" Akari replied.

"That's it?" Pixis inquired

Levi stood there quite and thinking

"Wait a second," He said
- Levi brain (HOLD UP HOLD UP XD),

"What is there something wrong Levi?" Erwin asked

"Yea. Remember how Sekiguchi here said that this Eren kid looked "strangely familiar". Why is that?" He asked

"That is true, Akari-san, why did you say he looked familiar? Did you meet Eren Jeager before you saved him?" Erwin replied.

"Oh right dat. That took me a while to figure out as well, but it seems like I met him outside the walls before but not the way you think uh whatever that is ahaheh... ahem I saved him from being eaten by a titan .again?. . It was deep within the woods, far far away from the walls. What he was doing out there I have no idea but I saw an older man, probably his father inject him with something and Eren was screaming. He was still very young, it was ridiculous. After his father left him! What douche, he was still in pain so I jumped down and tried to comfort him. He was in too much pain to focus on my face but he knew I was there and heard my voice from his weird twitching . He fainted a while after so I took care of him until he woke up and took him back home, asking for him to not tell anybody"

"I see." Erwin said out of the silence.

"I think he didn't remember that he had met me before. Maybe that serum that he was injected with has something to do with it but I'm still unsure. He seemed to have amnesia or his just dumber than I thought actually he could've been to young to remember " Akari stated and kept blabbing on, talking to herself.

"Well then, that's even better. You will be able to keep watch for us Captain Akari and take care of these new cadets" Pixis happily said.

"Captain?" Levi questioned

" Doesn't she surpass you in strength *COUGH COUGH COUGH* I mean rival in strength?" Pixis continued innocently ^-^


"One more thing, I would like it if you trust the entire Survey Corps and Levis Squad. You may be meeting with them in the future"

Erwin said, "Well Then it's decided. Akari-san, you will be joining the trainees so the Military Police or anybody gets suspicious, you are also to hide your identity, keep your private information to yourself however I'm not tell you to not open up to anyone especially Eren, Mikasa and Armin."Erwin said ending the interrogation.


DONE DONE (this chapter)

Wow.. finally the flashback ends ahahahahha..hah..heh..uh

Ok so, I think that Eren gets injected with the serum his father gives him a little while before the titan attacks and eats his mother but in this story the father injects him with the serum around two to three years before the attack and if you have read up to the updated chapters if not then TURN AWAY QUICK BECAUSE SPOILERS:

if u still reading this that means you either don't care or have read the manga. Oh well .So Eren only has thirteen years to live after he is injected with the titan serum which allows him to turn into a titan and his father passed on the gene or blood or something and this would affect the story if I kept this true so it won't be included or part of the story.
Like some other stories I won't continue the story with the actual series - gosh I don't even know why I'm writing this , should be common sense ... I'm an idiot XD but I guess just ta let cha know

No more spoilers---
About the edits with previous chapters, I will be going back to make minute alterations here and there but there's no need to go back and re-read chapters. I don't want to make any inconvenience. I'll just be editing the story here and there as I go.

WELP I hope you enjoyed and feel free to leave a comment, tell me what you think and thank you for reading so far ^-^

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