Death (Star wars)

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3rd person POV
Anakin watched it happen in slow motion. He watched as the bullet left the gun and soared towards Obi wan's unguarded back. He felt his body running towards Obi wan, shoving both clone and droid alike out of the way, to get to him. He heard the cry of warning and horror emitting from his own throat as he yelled at Obi wan to move, to block it, to do something. He saw the bullet hit him in his back, surprising him as evident by the look of shock on his face.

Anakin dashed towards him as everything sped up again, just as he caught a stumbling, falling Obi wan in his arms. This was wrong. Obi wan was always so strong, graceful and powerful, he shouldn't be collapsed in his arms taking his final breaths.

Obi wan looked up at him, the pain etched onto his face. Anakin only realised that wet, hot tears were streaming down his face when Obi wan's gentle hand wiped them away carefully before resting on his cheek. Anakin's head tilted in towards the touch and his eyes closed peacefully for a moment before he heard a wracking cough.

"A- Anakin... I... l-lo-love... you, y- you... know that... r- right?" Obi wan shakily said.

"I know Obi... I love you too," Anakin managed too choke out through his sobs. A faint smile ghosted across his face before he took one last rasping breath and fell limp.

"Obi wan... Obi wan!" Anakin started shaking his masters body, trying to make him wake up, trying to make him move or breath, "OBI WAN... OBI WAN!" Sobs wracked his body as his vision blurred and he clutched the body to his chest, rocking backwards and forwards as his master's blood soaked his robes.

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