Cute (Haikyuu)

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Iwaizumi has always found Oikawa cute.

The first time they met was when they were babies in the hospital, so Iwaizumi can't remember for certain whether he immediately thought 'This baby next to me is cute,' upon seeing him. But he's seen enough embarrassing pictures of them as babies in the family albums to know that Oikawa as a baby was definitely cute. And Iwaizumi's always known for a fact that this boy was going to be sticking around him for a while and, according to his Mum, his first ever word had been Tooru (which is a thing he'll never tell him).

The first proper memory he has of Oikawa was when they were two and Iwaizumi had just learnt to walk. He remembered being so proud of his achievement and just had to show off his new ability to Oikawa. Oikawa had always been a lazy toddler, took his time in learning things, so as such he was still crawling around on his hands and knees with the idea of walking never even crossing his mind. When Iwaizumi walked away from Oikawa to show him, Oikawa's eyes went wide with amazement before tears started welling up in his brown orbs. Iwaizumi turned in surprise when he heard him sobbing and screaming, "IWA-CHAN P-PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME, IWAAAAA-CHANNNN!!!!" As their parents rushed to try and comfort Oikawa, with no success, Iwaizumi made his way back to the balling boy. Oikawa only stopped crying when Iwaizumi wrapped him up in his arms and Oikawa promptly fell asleep on his shoulder. Looking at his snot covered nose, tear stained face, puffy, red eyes and drooling mouth, Iwaizumi rolled his eyes thinking to himself, he's such an ugly crier, yet somehow still cute.

Iwaizumi remembers with striking clarity when he and Oikawa used to go out and catch bugs ("I need to protect Iwa-chan from all the nasty bugs!"). Of course Oikawa would always find them gross and if Iwaizumi held a beetle in his hands and offered it to him, Oikawa would respond by running away screaming. The stupid fear he had of them always made Iwaizumi feel, and not attempt to resist, the urge to run after him with the beetle held out in front of him, threatening to place it on his head. Oikawa's squeals of protest and his cries of, "IWA-CHAN DON'T LET IT EAT MEEEE!!!" only made Iwaizumi run faster and try to ignore the voice in his head saying he was cute.

When Iwaizumi entered middle school the first thing that happened was that he was knocked off his feet into the dirt with a too familiar cry of, "IWA-CHAN!!" Looking down he saw, not to his surprise, a puffy bush of chestnut brown hair that was trying it's hardest to bury itself deeper into Iwaizumi's chest. Rolling his eyes Iwaizumi ruffled Oikawa's hair before shoving the other off him with a muttered 'dumbass', ignoring the indignant cries of, "My hair!!! Iwa-chan how could you?!" Watching Oikawa frantically arrange his hair and pretend to be cross with him (Iwaizumi could see the joy sparkling in his eyes) Iwaizumi couldn't help but think 'cute'.

As kids, and even as adults, a highlight of Iwaizumi's week is when they cuddle up on the sofa with swaths of blanket wrapped around them and bowls stuffed with popcorn on their laps and watch TV. They always decide who gets to choose what they watch (either Godzilla or alien movies/documentaries) by doing rock-paper-scissors, which they long ago deduced was a just and fair way of doing things. But sometimes, Iwaizumi doesn't mind watching Oikawa's crappy, fake alien shit because it means he can stare at him for hours on end, watching his whole face light up and change between awe, interest and excitement at the things on screen. And him leaning on his shoulder to fall asleep while watching Godzilla is just another reason why the film is his favourite. And when Oikawa wins the game it means Iwaizumi gets to see one of his favourite sights, when he turns to him with an excited, "Iwa-chan! Did you see that!", the sheer and unbridled happiness that shows itself in his messy hair, shining eyes, and eagerly pointing finger never fails to make Iwaizumi smile back and agree (even though he hasn't been watching as he was too caught up in staring at his best friend) thinking to himself, 'damn, how can a 5-30 year old be so damn cute?'

Iwaizumi had always had to look after Oikawa, and he imagined he always would have to. Not that he minded, keeping him safe and protected had always been a top priority. Unless he was being stupid, in which case Iwaizumi hit him. Just like when Oikawa would stay up late on the court, hitting and hitting serves over and over again. Iwaizumi knows he should stop him, take him home before he went too far, but the ferocious concentration and determination the lanky boy shows always makes him hesitate. But the second he thinks Oikawa might damage his knee beyond repair, he drags him back home before proceeding to hold him while he sleeps and chase away the nightmares. He always thinks to himself in these moments, 'If only he wasn't so cute I could be angry at him and stop him sooner'.

And Iwaizumi remembers how excited he had been to get his first proper girlfriend, not any of the flings he had had in the past. Oikawa was truly happy with her and Iwaizumi just rolled his eyes and hit him for being annoying, though it did little to quench the pit in the bottom of his stomach. See Iwaizumi has always known he had feelings for his best friend, and he couldn't help but think he should hate how Oikawa had made him fall in love. And yet he found he didn't mind it, and didn't mind him being in a relationship with someone else. For Iwaizumi would sacrifice everything to see that truly happy smile grace his feature, not just a fake manipulative smirk. Honestly, sometimes Oikawa was just too cute for his own damn good.

And when they broke up Iwaizumi held Oikawa as he sobbed into his shoulder, tears after tears streaming down his face. Apparently she had said that there was obviously someone Oikawa loved more than her, and so broke up with him. That entire night he'd held his best friend in his arms as he experienced his first heartbreak, and through it all Oikawa couldn't understand who she was talking about. Iwaizumi just rocked his back and forth until his sobs turned into little hiccups. How can he be cute and an ugly crier at the same time?

So when Oikawa approached him one day with the sentence, "Go on a date with me Hajime," Iwaizumi was more than a little surprised. Least of all because that was the first time Oikawa had ever called him by his first name, and Iwaizumi hoped it wasn't the last as the syllables sounded like they were made to roll off Oikawa's tongue. Then his brain caught up with him and he realised what had just come out of his mouth, "Yes." All the patience and friendship they had with each other was worth it when Oikawa's entire face lit up like a Christmas tree and he excitedly started planning. Damn, why is he so cute.

He was cute on their first date with a blob of icecream on his nose.

He was cute when they first kissed, blushing for days afterwards whenever they made eye contact.

He was cute when they told their parents about their relationship, who said they had always known they would end up together.

He was cute when they finally beat Ushijima and was literally jumping up and down with glee.

He was cute when Iwaizumi asked him to move in with him and he simply nodded his head up and down frantically, unable to speak.

He was cute when on their 10th anniversary Iwaizumi got down on one knee.

He was cute when he accepted the ring with a "Yes, of course Iwa-chan!".

He was cute when he realised that by next year his surname would also be Iwaizumi, and so the nickname would be very confusing.

He was cute when Iwaizumi told him that he can just call him Hajime, and Oikawa replied by saying that he can call him Tooru then.

But above all else, Tooru was cute when he walked up the isle in a crisp white suit before reaching out to accept Hajime's offered hand. And when they both said "I do," and kissed, well there was no place Hajime would rather be. He then proceeded to lead his husband to greet their friends, all while holding Tooru's hand tightly in his own.

Now, as they sat in old leather chairs, pictures of grandchildren on their mantlepiece. Tooru smiled at him, while his hair was no longer a chestnut brown and his eyes were older and wiser, his smile had never changed and neither had Hajime's love for him. "What were you thinking about Hajime?"

"How goddamn cute you are."

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