The Master and the Pet (Original)

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He was always there, by his side, like a shadow. Except this shadow had a smirk and was wearing a suit and tie. Then there was the chain, snaking along the ground to his master's hand. A big bulky collar clung to his neck and heavy metal cuffs encircled his wrists and ankles. His eyes sparkled with a promise of mischief and pain, like that suddenly fragile looking chain was all that was keeping him from tearing everyone near him apart.

In front of him strode his Master, long confident strides that made people instinctively move aside to let him pass, his pet obediently following behind.

When at the mansion they lived in, the pet would be free to wander, his leash wrapped around his waist before attaching to his wrist cuff. He would slink around the building, talking to the servants and planting false facts in their head, "He thinks your ugly" and "She was the one who stole it from you,", before sitting back and watching them suffer in jealousy, denial and hatred.

During mealtimes he was required to join his two Masters wherever they chose to eat that day. He would kneel next to his Master at the end of the table, whom would tangle his fingers in his hair while he ate and talked with his boyfriend.

The three of theirs relationship was confusing. His two Masters were in a relationship and loved each other, however his Master had a sadistic side and craved giving someone pain and completely dominating them and their life, punishing them if necessary. And the pet, well he had a masochist streak, his body and mind required someone to punish him and to be rough with him. So they had a symbiotic relationship, one satisfying the other by taking out all their rage on them. Not to mention, of course that the pet was a complete psychopath and it was required that he be kept under check, who better to do it than a sadist?

The pet would sleep on the bed with the two of them, his chain attached to the wall above the headboard, although sometimes he would pass out from exhaustion in his Master's study, bent over the desk, or suspended from the ceiling in various ropes and chains that held him in position relentlessly.
The servants around the mansion were gossiping like usual, "You know, some say he's actually a demon and God tasked the Master with keeping him under control!" and "He's by far scarier then the two Masters combined, when he's on his own that is. The Master seems to keep him in check,"

Suddenly a laugh echoed through the hallway, bouncing off the stones and creating an eery effect.

The pet walked out from the shadows as casual as if he was walking down the street. The servants immediately tensed up, their primal instincts yelling at them to flee right this second, but sheer fear had them frozen in place.

The pet carried on his nonchalant walk, and as he neared them he started talking, "Do you really think Master can save you? If I wanted to I could kill you all right now..." at this he reached out and stroked a girl's hair in a way that made a shiver run down her spine.

Then a hand wrapped around the pet's throat from behind, in a way that was both a warning and a promise, the other lay gently on his waist before pulling him into a firm chest.

The pet looked up in surprise before recognising the man, "Master..."

Ignoring him, he turned to the terrified servants before asking, "Was my pet causing trouble again...?", in a smooth, silky voice that made the pet gulp.

Regaining control over their body one of the slaves nodded a yes.

"Oh he was, was he? Pet, you know what happens to bad boys..." when he was saying this his hand tightened around his throat, partially choking him.

The pet yanked out of his grasp and tried to run away, tearing down the corridor like a rabbit running away from a fox. But then his chain went taut and pulled him to a stop, he hadn't noticed but his Master had unwrapped his chain and attached it to his own wrist cuff.

Knowing he was going to get punished, the pet submitted and sank to his knees, head hang low. He could hear his Master's slow methodical footsteps thumping on the floor as he approached him.

An arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him to his feet, unceremoniously and roughly. "Good boy, understand, you are at my mercy..."

Tangling the other hand in his chain he started off down the passageway, pulling him in the direction he chose. The pet stumbled behind him, heart beating rapidly with the knowledge of what was about to take place.

His Master reached his study and opened the door before proceeding to fling his pet like a bag of flour across the room. Hitting the wall harshly he groaned in pain. Swiftly his Master pinned him to the wall, his wrist on either side of his head before tilting his chin up and exposing his neck, "Such a naughty, naughty boy. You just want to be punished, don't you. Pervert."

At this his pet made a sound halfway between a moan and a whimper, submitting his body and mind to his master, knowing that in the morning he would find it hard to walk.
The banker had come to discuss business with the Masters and ended up staying for dinner. The pet took his usual place at his Master's side. The banker, seeing his submission, said, "Thats a well trained pet, I would gladly buy him off you."

At that his Master's eyes flashed dangerously, "No," seeing that he was going to protest he added, "1. I don't particularly like you, 2. He's mine," then his hand tightened in his pets hair, making him tense up, "3. He would kill you within the week before returning to me, like a dog always returns to their owner,"

He got up and menacingly advanced on the banker. Then, to everyones surprise the other Master spoke up. It was so quiet, almost a whisper, but everyone heard it as loud as if it had been yelled.

"Enough, I grow tired of this pointless bickering. Pet," the pet's head snapped up and anyone could tell just from looking at him that he had to restrain himself from killing the man who wanted to take him away from his Masters, "Dispose of the garbage,"

The pet got a mad gleam in his eyes and licked his lips, "It would be my pleasure, Master,"

He let go of all his self control and lunged at the banker.

The servants watched, horrified, as he murdered the man in cold blood, right before their eyes.

Once he had done he looked up at the roof, his bloodlust filling the room. Everyone knew that in that moment if you made a sound he would instinctively kill you.

Then a servant, seeing the blood drip from his teeth, let out an involuntary whimper. Like an animal his head turned to stare at her. His dilated eyes picked her out from the crowd and he rushed towards her.

Just as his fingernails brushed her he jolted to a halt. His Master had got ahold of his chain and was preventing him from moving any nearer.

The pet shook his head and regained control, "M-master..."

He glance around and saw the fear on all of their faces, he pleadingly looked at his Master's face, hoping that he didn't also think he was a monster.

Seeing the look on his pet's face, like he was drowning in a bottomless ocean of water, the Master walked towards him and bundled him up in his arms.

He licked his earlobe before biting possessively down on it, "Your my monster,"

His pet shuddered in his arms before passing out due to exhaustion.
A.N. Wow, that went better than I thought it would, I might do this universe again if I feel like it. Its been floating around in my head and I decided to write it down.

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