Ikkaku x Reader

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A/N (z/n) is Zanpakuto's name. I'm sure y'all have given that some thought so go ahead and use yours instead of me using mine! 😊

You landed the last blow on your opponent, both of you panting from exhaustion. You smirked. "Is that all you've got, Madarame? If so, you should just give up now." You pointed your zanpakuto at him. Your smirk widened when he looked into your eyes, a fire burning in his. "I'm not losing to you, (l/n). Not while I'm still breathing."

Just as you were about to clash again, Captain Kyoraku came towards you. "I see you guys are training. Squad 11 really was the best choice for you, huh (y/n)?" He chuckled. "Hello Captain, was there something you needed?" You asked politely, your previous attitude stopping in the presence of a Captain you admired. "We need you and Ikkaku to go to the world of the living and help out Ichigo and the others. It seems more powerful hollows are appearing and they can't take all of them on on their own."

You nodded in understanding, bowing at him. "Yes sir, I'll head there right away." You smiled at him. He thanked you and walked away. You had a tiny schoolgirl crush on the handsome man.

Ikkaku snorted at you. "What the hell was that for, baldy?" You snarled. "Aw, does (y/n) have a crush on Captain Kyoraku? Oh this is rich. You don't even act like a girl! Hell, Yumichika has more of a chance than you do."

You're a tough girl, you don't really let the things anyone says get to you. But recently, you've taken everything he said to heart. Of course, you never showed it. You hid it behind insults. Empty insults.

"Coming from a guy who can't even get with a woman. No one wants a bald jerk." You huffed and turned away, going to the world of the living with or without him.

He sighed, regretting his words. 'Why the hell am I like this to her..? But, she doesn't seem to care. That means it's okay right?'


You made it to the world of the living, finally. 'I'm just gonna stay at Kisuke's. He seems to like my company a bit.'

Ikkaku trailed behind. "Why don't you just go stay at Keigo's? I'm sure his sister would love your company." You through over your shoulder without turning. But as soon as you said that, you closed your mouth hurriedly. 'What the fuck..? (Y/n) what is wrong with you? Am i...?'

"Holy shit, you're jealous aren't you?" He laughed heartily. Still not turning to face him, you speed walked to Kisukes so you didn't have to answer. You hoped to god there wasn't a blush on your face.

"Hey! Wait up (y/n)!!" He huffed as he caught up. "I was only teasing, chill." He muttered lowly, but still loud enough for you to hear.

A loud growl emitted from the sky. 3 large hollows appeared before you. "Shit those aren't normal hollows! Those are arrancar!" Your eyes widened. "Fuck. Ikkaku, are you ready?" "Yeah, we got this."

"Scream, (Z/n)!" You unleashed your Zanpakuto for the second time today, this time with an intent to kill. You had a harsh glint in your eye. You laughed evilly. "You're going down you little bitch!" You cut into the Large arrancar, killing it instantly. But, you didn't sense the other one right behind you, slamming you to the ground. Blood flew from your mouth. "(Y/N)!!!" Ikkaku screamed frantically. "You bastard! You hurt her!"

"Damn right I did! This is fun!" The arrancar spoke. "I can handle this Madarame you just look after you." You grinned. "This piece of trash can't take me down so easily."

You wiped the blood from your mouth with your sleeve. "LET'S DANCE, UGLY!" You roared, flash stepping towards it and cutting it down. It screamed in agony. Ikkaku took it upon himself to get the finishing blow.you huffed as it dissolved. "I could have handled thi-""Where are you hurt?" He cut you off.

"I'm fine, shut up." You sneered. You put your zanpakuto back in its place. "You're not fooling me (Y/n)." His voice softened. Breath left you all at once as you looked him in the face, his eyes set on yours and you could see that same fire in his eyes. Little did you know, that fire burned with vengeance. Towards that Arrancar who hurt his sparring partner. That arrancar who hurt the girl he had feelings for. He admitted it to himself.

"DAMNIT, why don't you shut the hell up and let me help you for once?" He picked you up bridal style in his arms. You held your arms to your chest, giving up as he walked you to Uraharas shop.

He cared for your wound by himself. He asked that only he do it, and Kisuke obliged.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, staring daggers at your wounds. You chuckled. "I'm fine, for the last time. What's gotten into you ? Have you gotten soft on me?"

"Yeah, I have." He let out. A deep blush went across your cheeks. "I-idiot it was a joke!" You looked away from him, hands covering your face.

"(Y/n)." He stated. His tone of voice meant business and you knew it. You let your hands down and hesitantly looked at him. He took your hands away from you and pulled you into a hug. "Don't scare me like that again."

"Shut up." You smiled. He pulled back from the hug, crashing his lips to yours without a second thought.

However your mind was racing. This man, the man who could insult you within a moments notice and feel no remorse, the guy you thought you hated so much, he was kissing you and you were... kissing back with just as much force. You've wanted this for a long time, subconsciously of course. But you won't admit that. His arms encircled you, pulling you ever closer and released your lips, inching down your neck and to your collarbone, only leaving light kisses in his wake.

"See guys, I told you they didn't really hate eachother!" You hear an annoying voice shout from behind you. Turning and letting go of Ikkaku, you notice Ichigo, Chad, Orihime, Uryuu and all of uraharas shop standing at the door to the room.

"Shut up!" You hid your red face in Ikkaku's chest. He smiled and kissed the top of your head. "I could never hate someone so beautiful."

"Oh, what changed your mind? Do you see me as a woman or a man? You told me I didn't act like a girl." You paused as everyone left the room. "Would a man kiss you better?" You whispered in his ear.

"Come on, don't be like that. I was only jealous of your crush on Shunsui. Just like you are of Mizuho and her crush on me."

"Whatever." You mumbled, embarrassed of how right he was. "Hey," you looked him in the eyes. "Just say the word, and I'm yours."

Ignoring him, You planted another kiss on his lips. He was yours without him saying it. And you wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N (2) I'm an Ikkaku girl myself, so I just 😍😍😍😍😍 there isn't very many Ikkaku x Reader that I've seen and he needs love! Hope you enjoyed this one! Until next time ❤️

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