Uryu x Reader

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My heart's shattered. I knew it would never happen, but the fact didn't keep it from hurting any less. I'm a reaper, these things shouldn't get to me like I let him get to me.

I'm in love. But, not with another reaper. No, this is far worse. I'm in love with a Quincy bastard who says he hates my kind. He treats me horribly and constantly tells me that I'm not as good as him. Countless nights I've laid awake wondering what a relationship with Uryu would be like, but my imagination runs far beyond that of reality. He would buy me flowers, tell me I'm beautiful, and we would grow old together. We taught our children the ways of a reaper and Quincy and let them choose what they wanted to be.

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel, (Y/N)? I mean, what's the worst he could do? Reject you?" My oh-so-supportive best friend Nanao asked. She's more professional than I am, and therefore cares nothing about relationships. "You don't understand. He HATES soul reapers. We've heard him say it a million times. He's also constantly belittling my skills and I don't know that I could handle the rejection. " She looks at me finally. It feels like she's looking right through me, honestly. She raises her eyebrow. "So, how exactly do you feel about Uryu Ishida, (Y/N)?" I huffed at her. "Nanao, I'm in love with him. So hopelessly in love with him that my heart hurts every time he throws an insult at me. I feel like crying every time. But I don't. I won't cry because of him. I refuse. And no, I won't tell him because telling him won't change a damn thing. He will be the same Uryu he's always been, an egotistical asshole."

"You seem to like this egotistical asshole, and from the sound of it, it's a lot more than just plain old like, (Y/N)-San." I froze, knowing exactly who's voice that was. I turned to look at him, face blazing like a scorching fire.

"Don't get the wrong idea, Ishida, how do you know I was even talking about you? Idiot." I blew it off, turning my face and crossing my arms.

"Nanao, please give us a little time to ourselves." There was a finality in his voice, one that shouldn't be there in the presence of a Lieutenant. "Don't speak to my Lieutenant that wa-" "It's quite alright, (Y/N), I have to go back to the barracks anyways. I'll see you in a while."

She walks away, leaving me alone with him. I stand my ground firmly.

"(Y/N), why do you think I hate you?" I look him in the eyes, and I can faintly see pain in them. Why?

"You hate Soul Reapers, Ishida. Why wouldn't you? And you're always insulting me and telling me I'll never be good enough. It's an awful way to treat someone you know."

He sighs, running a hand over his face and stalks towards me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes. "I don't hate you, contrary to what you think. I actually..." his face turns a deep rep, and he starts fiddling with his glasses, covering his cheeks. "I don't hate you okay!? I like you more than the other reapers so don't go thinking I hate you like I hate them."

I start to smile at his horrible confession. "You know, you can tell me you like me normally?" He glares at me. "How about I show you that I like you?" And he inches closer to me.

The room gets hotter, and I can feel him against me. All at once, his hands encircle my waist and soft, quivering lips land on mine. He was just as nervous about this as I was. But, that's what made the moment perfect.

"I love you too, (Y/N). Don't think anything else."


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