Gin x Reader

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You couldn't believe it, The man you admired the most in the Soul Society, Gin Ichimaru, was a traitor. The man who trained you, Your Captain, the man you loved.

You cried for days, but didn't let that come between you and your work. Lieutenant Izuru tried hard to keep the Squad in check. You, though, went numb. You couldn't feel a thing anymore.

Weeks have passed since Aizen, Tousen, and Ichimaru betrayed everyone. You were on patrol in the world of the living, seeing an increase in hollows appearing in Karakura.

"(Y/n), they keep appearing, can we keep this up?" Ichigo asked. He saw you surrounded by Hollows and rushed to help you.

"There's just no end!! What is going on?" You split up to cover more ground, swinging your Zanpakuto left and right to cut them down.

All at once, they stopped. Confused, you look around, and there is absolutely no hollow in sight. But in the sky, you see him. The man who broke your trust.

"Gin." You said his name so cold, it sent a shiver down your own spine.

"(Y/n), how wonderful it is to see your face after so long." He said, his wide grin unwavering.

"Shut your mouth, Traitor." You spat.

Still smiling, he comes to you. "Oh, (y/n), how it pained me to leave you behind. I'm sorry I hurt you."

"You didn't just hurt me! you hurt Izuru and Rangiku too! We all looked up to you and admired you!"

"You always were one to care for others more than yourself. Please, let me make it up to you. Come to Hueco Mundo with me. Let me make it up to you for the rest of my life. I want you at my side."

"That's bullshit. I won't betray the Soul Society like you did."

He sighed. "You won't change your mind then?" His smile faltering.

"I won't."

He pulled you to him in a quick embrace, your breath leaving you all at once. His eyes opened finally, and you gasped. He was too intense. You couldn't handle it.

"(Y/n)..." He breathed, and then he kissed you.

It was just as you thought it would be. Soft yet firm. His lips tasted amazing.

You caught yourself. Pulling back reluctantly, you looked him in the face. "If you hadn't betrayed us, maybe things could be different. But that's not the case anymore. I love you Gin, I always have, but I don't ever want to see you again after this, and ill be damned if you drag me down with you and your band of lowlife fools. Have a great life." You walked away from the only one you've ever loved, tears in your eyes.

"I love you, too. When we meet again, we'll be enemies."

Nodding, you left, not wanting him to see he's hurt you again.

It probably sucked, Im sorry guys! But ill continue to work hard to give you what you want!

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