Chapter 3: Shall We Meet Again?

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After making a pit stop at a lingerie shop, I arrive home to my apartment. I wasn't able to quit smiling the whole time.  Grace looks at me "Finally! I was wondering when you'd show up!," she exclaims " Where the fuck have you been? Let's see: new lingerie, big huge smile. You landed a date, didn't you? It's about time!"

 "Well,, not exactly" I stammer

"What does that even mean, Penelope? And why do you smell like a barn?"

"I met a beautiful man and we waited out the rain in an old barn"

"Go on"Grace insists

"I had taken pictures of him and he wants me to bring copies to The First Avenue Club where he is performing tonight. "

"I suspect you're leaving out something." 

"Ok fine. We slept together in the barn. Funny I don't even know what instrument he'll be playing"

"From that cat who ate the canary look on your face, I'd say he plays his organ really well. Aren't you glad I convinced you to stay on the Pill now?"

I say nothing and go take a shower. Then I get my photo copies ready. Grace looks at them and whistles at his photos," I recognize him. That's Prince. I've seen him perform. I've seen him play guitar, drums and piano. All women go nuts over him and after the show they're all trying to get with him." she informs me.

"That makes sense. I guess I'll be coming home alone tonight" I sigh.

"Aw... you like him. Poor baby. Say, what is with these sexy photos of you?"

"Prince took those. I let him because it was only he'd let me photograph him."

"Lawd, I didn't know you had that much nerve." Grace exclaims.

" Only with him. I even squeezed him with my legs. Twice."

Grace just stares at me. She knows how I am about my legs.Grace has a date tonight (because few Saturdays pass without her having a date) so we both start running around getting ready. I put my new bra and matching panties under a sexy dress Grace insisted I get when we were shopping one day. Of course there's hair, perfume, makeup and unearthing my heels.I haven't worn them since my last date a few months ago. Even though I've given up on finding someone, I can't help but think:  maybe...just maybe... 

I run around the apartment like a maniac, tidying it up. Grace shakes her head and say, "If you're looking to make an impression in case you get lucky, just put my copy of the Karma Sutra on the coffee table." 

"Grace! That's too much! He'll think I'm a freak! And I know there's nowhere other than the living room for my weight bench, but please don't fuck on it if you come back here tonight. I'm sick of wiping it down before I use it"

"I'm not making any promises, Darling. Say, did you put an extra pair in your purse?" 

"That hot?"



I gather my photos and get in my car. I pull up to First Avenue and notice there is a big crowd. I go inside. Prince comes onstage and the women scream before he even does anything. I just smile and applaud because I'm determined for him to see I have some composure in public. He looks at me and smiles, at least I assume that's the case because he asked me to come and I did. Oh goodness, those pants don't leave much to the imagination! I watch how he plays his guitar, how his fingers move on it. I visualize his fingers working my body. 

As I watch his dancing I realize he must know he has a great ass. And he's so flexible too. It's harder to have composure. He takes his jacket off. Then starts on the shirt. He stops halfway and sings another song before fully removing it. I listen carefully to his lyrics. I dearly want to know the man behind those! I He climbs on top of the piano and grinds. By this point, he's covered in sweat in looks even hotter, if that's possible. This performance drives it home to me that I'm not as as reserved and refined as I've tried to convince myself I am. I am very aroused.

His Royal Badness and the Mistress of MuscleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant