Chapter 17: Goodbye, Michigan

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I start worrying about Prince. He always sounds a little anxious when we talk. I hope he's okay. It's not like he really has anything to worry about. I'm not gorgeous. Jasper isn't going to make a move on me, this is a business trip and we're not that sort of people. Of course I'm not Jasper's type anyway. Which is fine because I don't love him. 

During the tour I'll end up at home for two week stretches of time working in my studio while Prince has Annette, beautiful dancers and groupies around him. I definitely worry about what he's up to if I don't find some way to busy my mind. It's the women I don't trust. I'm a little concerned because he doesn't compliment my appearance like he used to. Maybe his mind is elsewhere.

After breakfast, Jasper takes me back to his room for a protein shake. He insists we need it because we'll need the energy for the shoot today. I watch him make the shakes. He tells me why I need each ingredient he put in. Then he begins scolding,"You don't seem interested. You should be, with your energy sapping lifestyle. You workout almost daily, are either photographing or touring and Prince is your lover. I'm tired just thinking about what you do."

"Jasper,I don't need to hear a lecture." I state. I fudge a positive opinion on the shake and we get going.

Thankfully the weather was great and Jasper was being easy to work with. We get all the photos we need before sundown.So I get to go home a day early! I'm not telling Prince. I want to surprise him.

I decide to window shop downtown after the shoot. I pass a cool looking jewelry store and notice a fabulous pair of cufflinks that make me think of Prince. I go inside. The salesman talks about how they are handcrafted and the beautiful materials they are made of before he tells me the cost. The cost is about a week's salary for my receptionist. I avoid spending that kind of money on things I don't need. I think about this. If I'd never met Prince, I'd still be a janitor or at best, working in someone else's studio. I love him like crazy, admire him and he inspires me to be better every day. This is the highest paying job I've ever had and even after buying the cufflinks I can pay at least half of my business expenses for the month solely from the check I'm getting. I make the purchase. I feel really great about myself for being able to do something like this.

The next day Jasper shows up outside my door. He wearing a bathing suit not much bigger than his competition suit. So there's a lot of skin. You can't help but notice his sizable package, but I've got a better one waiting for me at home."Penelope, let's go check out the pool" Jasper says.

"Jasper put some clothes on" I hiss.

"What wrong with it? I've worn less in public. Before I was as successful as I am now, I used to strip every now and then when money was tight. Going to come with me?"

"I'm going to check out a couple lighthouses nearby before the flight home. "

"Sounds good. Climbing those steps is a great lower body workout." This boy has a one track mind. As Jasper walks off he is drawing the attention of other guests and probably loving it.

On the plane ride home Jasper says "I've got a great idea-let's knock 20 lbs off you and train you for a fitness competition"

"What? Jasper, have you lost your mind?" I ask. Where am I going to remove 20lbs from? 15, maybe but Jasper has gone nuts.

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