✦⋆· Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "O Abu Dharr, whoever dies having an atom's weight of arrogance in his heart will never smell the scent of Heaven unless he repents beforehand."
Abu Dharr asked, "O Messenger of Allah, I am fond of beauty so much so that I wished that the handle of my cane and the lace of my sandal were beautiful. So, should I be afraid of this?"
He (saw) said, "How do you see your heart?'
Abu Dharr said, "I see it knowing the Truth, and certain of Him."
He (saw) said, "That is not arrogance. Rather, arrogance is that you leave the Truth and exceed beyond Him to other than Him. You look at people and you do not see their honour as being like your honour or their blood like yours."
● "The most hateful of people are the arrogant."
● "The most distanced of you from me on the Day of Judgment will be the braggers, who are the arrogant."
● "I admire a man who brings something with his hands to please his family, which repels arrogance from himself."
● "Whoever is arrogant, Allah degrades him."
✦⋆· Imam Ali (as) said, "I sought after humility and did not find it other than through accepting the truth. Accept the truth, for accepting the truth distances one from arrogance."
● "How man surprises me! His origin is a sperm, and his end is a carcass, and between these two he is a vessel for excrement, and he is still arrogant."
● "Only he who is vile is arrogant."
● "An arrogant person has no friend."
● "He who behaves arrogantly with people is degraded."
● "A conceited and self-admiring person is disliked by others."
● "The sin which makes you sad and repentant is more liked by Allah than the good deed which turns you arrogant."
● "I wonder at the arrogance of a haughty and vain person.
Yesterday he was only a drop of semen and tomorrow he will turn into a corpse.
I wonder at the man who observes the Universe created by Allah and doubts His Being and Existence.
I wonder at the man who sees people dying around him and yet he has forgotten his end.
I wonder at the man who understands the marvel of genesis of creation and refuses to accept that he will be brought back to life again.
I wonder at the man who takes great pains to decorate and to make comfortable this mortal habitat and totally forgets his permanent abode."
✦⋆· Imam Hassan (as) said, " It is not appropriate for he who knows the magnitude of Allah to be haughty, for the glory of those who know the magnitude of Allah is that they become humble, and the honour of those who know the Majesty of Allah is that they humiliate themselves to Him."
✦⋆· Imam Baqir (as) said, "If any amount of arrogance enters the heart of a person, it will only bring deficiency to the intellect with the same amount of what entered it, whether it be a little or a lot."
✦⋆· Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever is free from arrogance will obtain dignity."
● "Whoever thinks that he is superior to someone else is of the arrogant.' Abu Hafs Ghiyath said, 'I asked him: [What if] one sees that they are superior in their being good when they see others committing sins?' The Imam said, 'Far from it, far from it! For maybe he has been forgiven for what he has done and whilst you will be stopped and held accountable. Have you not read the story of the magicians of Moses (as) in the Qur'an?"
● "A person is arrogant or tyrannical only as a result of a [source of] disgrace he has in himself."
● "An arrogant person should not avidly expect good praises."
● "In Hell there is a valley by the name of Saqar reserved for the arrogant, and it complained to Allah about the extremity of its heat and asked Him to be permitted to breathe. So, it breathed and ignited Hell."
✦⋆· Imam Musa Kazim (as) said, "A plant grows in a plain-levelled land and does not grow in a hard rocky place.
The same goes for wisdom, as it grows in the humble heart and does not grow in the arrogant haughty heart; for Allah has made humbleness the tool for the intellect and made arrogance the tool for ignorance.
Do you not know that he who turns his head up towards the ceiling will break it, and he who lowers his head will be shaded and sheltered underneath it?! Thus, Allah will abase one who is not humble before Him, and Allah will elevate whoever is humble for Him."
Whoever walks on earth with arrogance and selfishness. The ground, the things below the ground and on top of the ground will all curse them.

Allah's Plan For You & Me
Non-FictionThis book is about Islamic teachings and other topics. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, "Seeking knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim. Indeed, Allah loves those who strive in their quest for knowledge."