Chapter One: Never mean't to happen

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*Lucy Heartfilia's Pov*

"Okay Luc, you distract him and when he isn't looking, I will swoop in from above and finish this damn battle!" Suggested my lovely friend, Natsu Dragneel. The determine in his eyes was nothing short of natural for him. 

Him and I were currently hiding in a small room, in a castle that had seen better days before it was almost completely destroyed. It gave off a look that suggested that it had stood there for hundreds of years.The walls had been broken down in various spots and the crumbled pieces were scattered across the dusty moss covered floor.

"Natsu, I really don't think that's the best idea. Couldn't we try something less dangerous?" I spoke in return, just the thought was giving me an unsettling feeling deep in my chest. 

Despite having just turned rejected his ludicrous idea, he seemed to be as confident in it as ever. A wide grin spread across his face. "Come on, when have my plans ever failed?"

I sighed lightly and shook my head in worry. "Far too many times to be comfortable with."

Natsu hit my shoulder, in a way to tell me to follow him. "Have a little faith sometimes, Luc."

This man was going to be the death of me, I swear. He was way too wreck less for his own good. I would much rather be at home, sitting in my warm bed, reading an exceptionally excellent book that Levy brought to me from her very own personal library.

But as my normal luck would have it, I was standing behind this rose haired knuckle head who had a tendancy to get into trouble. I was just waiting for him to do something incredibly witless and nearly get the both of us killed on spot.

If only Erza, Gray, and Wendy were here. Gray was on his way, or so I heard. He was our "back up" that Master Makorov had promised when I informed him that this opponent was way too much of a challenge for just the two of us.

Now that I think about it. Natsu is going to be furious that I called in to have Master send someone, let alone it being Gray. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea. But I guess there is nothing I can really do about it at the moment, honestly, no matter how much Natsu would deny such a thing, we need Gray here. He's our only hope. 

I stood up slowly, crouching down a bit to keep from being seen behind a half crushed wall and followed Natsu to the door frame where I watched him peak his head out and look around. 

"I don't see anything here, Lucy. I think he's gone." Natsu turned his head back to smile at me while flashing me a thumbs up.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Impossible. There is no way he would just give up and leave Natsu, do you even understand  how irrational that sounds?"

"You really should listen to your little girlfriend on that one, tiny Dragon Slayer." A voice boomed over our heads,causing tiny fragments of the broken walls around us to shake at each word. 

Natsu and I very slowly look up simultaneously. Seeing as there was no true roof over our heads, we could see everything above us. A giant grey bearded man stood dominate above us. His forest green robes hung over him like towels on a clothes line.

"HOLY SHIT HES HUGE!" Natsu shouted in awe.

"Oh my.." Was all that was forced out of my mouth. My eyes plastered on the horrifying sight before me. 

The last glimpse of that man he was relatively shorter and scrawnier than even me. But now, he's towering over us as if we were ants. An amount of terror I had never felt before had washed over me like a poison. I suddenly doubted the fact that Natsu and I's survival was very great. 

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