Chapter Thirteen: Dreaming of memories

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 "Master?" I knocked on her office door.

"Come in, Gray." I heard her voice from inside. 

I reach up, placing my hand on the door nob, turning it and pushing the door open with slight forced.

There she was, over by the window. Staring out of it as she tended to do a lot. She turned around to face me, a smile flashed across her lips. Next to her stood Doranbolt, of the magic council. Formally known to Fairy Tail as Mest during the S class tournament.

I raised my eyebrow as I walked in. Lucy turned around to face me, a smile flashed across her features. 

"Uh..You wanted to see me, Master?" I questioned.

"Yes, Gray I'm sure you remember Doranbolt?" 

I nodded. "Of course. Its a pleasure to see you again."

"You as well, Gray." Doranbolt smirked lightly.

"As you know the Magic Council was attacked by a foolish group of dark guilds. Unfortunately they lost three members and are now searching for people to replace them." Master started.

"I know that, how does it have to do with me?" I asked.

Doranbolt took a couple steps forward. "We have selected you as a new replacement. If you are up for the job."

"You want me? On the Council?!" I was a bit shocked actually. 

He nodded. "Yes, we think you would make an excellent addition."

I paused for a moment to think it over. The Magic Council? They've never really liked Fairy Tail, until Lucy became Guild Master that is. She forced them to accept us as their allies. 

"I will give you some time to think about it of course. We aren't in dire need at the moment, so please take as long as you need. Contact me with you decision when you have made one." Doranbolt turned to Lucy.

"Thank you for allowing us to select a member of Fairy Tail, I look forward to seeing you again, Master Lucy." 

With that he vanished into thin air. I stood there, not really sure what to say. I had just been offered a spot on the magic council. Me..a member of Fairy Tail. Gray Fullbuster.

"I think you should accept. Its your choice of course, but I believe you would do very well there." Master smiled sweetly at me.

"Thank you, Master. I will put some thought into it. Who else was chosen from Fairy Tail?" I questioned.

"No one, they felt you were best suited. I also believe Lyon was chosen from Lamia Scale, he accepted too." She added.

I felt my lips form a smile as I looked down. "Ur would be so proud of us, Lyon.."


She stood there before me next to the grave of the first master. Her smile was unbeatable in its brightness. I watched as he eyes began to water.

"Wendy Marvell....Welcome to S- class!" She cheered.

"I DID IT!!!" I cheered along with her.

"I'm so proud of you, Wendy." She spoke softly.

I ran to her, wrapping my arms around her and embracing her tightly. "Thank you, Lucy..."

She stroked my hair with her hand softly. 

"You are gonna make a fine S-class. Grandeeney would be very proud of you, I just know it." She replied.

I pulled away and looked up at her. "I cant believe I finally made it this far."

She nodded. "You'll make it farther, I know it. Maybe one day you'll be Master of Fairy Tail."

I shook my head. "No, your gonna be Master forever!"


"Lucy!" I called.

"I'm in the kitchen, Lev!" She shouted back.

I took my time, strolling through her house until I reached the kitchen where she said she'd be. She was standing in front of the counter. 

Two mugs of steaming water with tea packets sat there before her. 

"I made us some tea from those herbs you brought me. I thought it's be nice for you after a long mission." She grinned, holding out a mug for me to take.

I grabbed it from her and smiled lightly. "Thanks Luc."

I followed her out into her living room and sat down next to her on her lovely pink couch. 

"So how'd it go, miss I was gone for three months!" She asked as she sipped on his boiling tea. 

"It was a success as I'm sure you guessed!" I started.

"Of course, ever since you left team Shadow Gear and teamed up with Gajeel you've never failed a mission." She added.

"We saved an entire village from an ancient plague that had swept over them. I had to search through every library within a hundred mile radios of the village in order to find the only book ever written about the specific plague. But eventually I found it and had Gajeel search for the ingredients. After a month of nursing everyone there, they regained full health and are back to normal!" I grinned.

"Amazing job Lev, that village is in your dept." She spoke softly.


"Welcome back, Master." I spoke as she walked in the door of her office, I had stood there waiting for her arrival.

"Ah Erza, what a lovely sight to come back to. How was the guild? Didn't get in any trouble in the past week did they?" She questioned.

I shook my head. "You know this guild does nothing but get in trouble. Gray and Gajeel grabbed the attention of the Magic Council yet again, but I took the liberty of handling the situation so you wouldn't have to deal with the frustration." 

She placed her staff up on her desk and slipped off her cap. "Erza, truly, you are the best." 

I smiled. "Thank you!"

"Erza, while I was at the meeting place we decided that every guild master must chose an heir. In the event that someone would happen before we had a chance to pass the title down." She started.

"That seems quite reasonable. I assume it was a suggestion made by Master Bob?" I asked.

She nodded. "It was indeed. We have all chosen our heirs and they have been recorded."

"I hope you chose well, Master." I chuckled.

"I have. I do believe you will be an excellent Master in the event something happens to me." She smiled lightly.

My eyes widened." Master..."

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