Chapter Seven: Three year gap

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' Dear Natsu,

Its been a little over three years since you came back for that night. I have some good news for you.

I did it! Fairy Tail is a joyful guild once more!

Aren't you proud of me? It took three years till every single person was generally happy again.

Its the most amazing feeling in the world. Seeing everyone smile. Thank you for making me promise to do it.

I hope you are having a wonderful time where ever you are.

I miss you, Natsu. I'll never forget you.

Love, Lucy Heartfilia'

I wrote the last words of that sheet of paper. Folding it up and placing it in a box full of several others.

I walked over to my dresser, picking out my normal outfit.

It was a short simple pink dress with slits up the side, iron shoulder plates, leather half sleeves and thigh high brown leather boots.

I swung my cream colored cape lined with fur around me and tied it around my neck.

I turned around and looked in the mirror so I could see Fairy Tail's symbol in the middle of the cape.

Once I was dressed I grabbed my keys and staff.

Two years ago Levy created a staff that aloud you to summon any spirits power you had a contract with without bringing them out of their gates. Normally I'd summon at least one spirit and use the staff as well.

I walked out the door, locking it behind me. I took my time getting to the guild, taking the long way through the city.

"Look Daddy! Its Fairy Tail's master!" I heard a small child's voice proclaim.

After a while I entered Fairy Tail, to see the smiling faces of the guild members.

"Master!" Mira greeted.

"Hello, Mirajane." I grinned back.

"How was your trip to the meeting, Master? I heard you got back very late last night!" Gildarts came up to me.

"It was very uneventful, care to join me next time?" I laughed lightly.

"If it will make your trip more enjoyable, I will certainly join you, Master." He smiled.

"Very well, I shall take you with me next time."

"Your gonna take a trip with my dad?!" Cana shrieked.

"Master my dad is way to old for you!" She added.

My eyes got wide. "Oh no no no! A business trip Cana! Jeez!" I shook my head quickly.

Gildarts laughed. "Cana calm down."

"Master! Your paper work from the Magic Council has arrived." Erza got my attention from the second floor.

"Gray! Gajeel! The next time I get paper work because of the two of you troublesome lads, you will face my wrath!" I shouted angrily.

"YES, MASTER!" The two spoke in fear.

I made my way through the guild and up the stairs, to a small room. Sitting on my desk when I entered was a stack of papers at least four inches thick.

I sighed and placed my staff up against a book shelf.

"I do apologize for the inconvenience, Master." Erza's stern voice came from behind me.

I shook my head. "No, Its quite alright, Erza."

"I will take all the charges that the council may have put on us." She stated.

I turned around. "No, as Master of this guild I am always willing to take full responsibility of the members actions. We have discussed this many times before."

Erza nodded. "Of course, Master. I got a letter from Makarov today. He wanted to know how being Master is treating you?"

I smiled. "Tell him that I absolutely love it. Ask him how is travels are for me. Ever since he decided he was going to travel for the rest of his life I haven't gotten to speak to him much."

Erza nodded. "Ill tell him to send you a letter, if you'd like."

"That would be lovely, Thanks Erza." I spoke.

"Master?" Erza asked as I turned around.


"The reborn dark guild, Oracion Seis, have been becoming up more active." She started.

"You believe they are up to something?" I questioned.

"I believe they have a target. They seem as if they are about to strike." She explained.

I nodded. "You have permission to delve deeper and find out what they are doing. I will inform Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus that you will be observing a Dark guild."

"Thank you, Master."

"Erza..." I started.


"Take Wendy with you, she just recently made S-Class. She could use someone like you to teach how to be a proper S class." I ordered.

Erza nodded. "I think that is a great Idea."

"You start immediately." I spoke.

I heard her foot steps until she reached the door. "Lucy.."

I turned to look at her, a shy smile painted on her pale skin.

"Yes, Erza?"

"Over the past three years, you have been an exceptional Master. I'm really very proud of you." She replied approvingly.

"Thank you, Erza. I probably wouldn't be here still if it wasn't for your help. I appreciate it." I smiled.

"Anything you need." She said before walking out the door.

I went back over to my desk, picking up one of the sheets.

Its said nothing I really cared to read. I normally just burned them.

I walked over to the open window and looked out.

The guild had grown very powerful over the last three years. Our job boards were the most cluttered of all the guilds.

Some people only give jobs to our guild and not all of them because they want to be serviced by Fairy Tail. We are defiantly a force to be reckoned with.

Levy, Gray, and Wendy have become S class in that time as well, giving Fairy Tail eight S class wizards. The bonds between the allied forces have become stronger.

Ever since I head Jellal, Ultear and Meredy were looking for a guild, I had requested the join Fairy Tail. Jellal was currently talking the girls into joining with him.

Personally I'd love to have them in the guild. I know that it'd be good for Erza to have Jellal around her. The two need time to rebuild what the had between them.

I sat down at the desk and began signing forms from the Council.

"Man, its been a long five years since we lost you, Natsu"

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