Chapter Two: Awaken

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I felt incredibly weak; my body slowly beginning to regain consciousness. I couldn't feel a thing, as if every muscle in me had been destroyed. I forced my eyes open. Instantly I was blinded by the sun shinning through a window not too far away. Wendy was standing over me, her healing magic pulsing through her child sized hands onto my torn stomach. 

I gazed own at my body, covered in gashes and what seemed to be searing burn marks. My hearing had seemed to had vanished along with the pain, all I saw as I looked back up was Wendy's mouth moving but no words left her lips. Suddenly, Gray appeared by her side, as he hovered over me as well his puffy red eyes became visible. His cheeks looked damp as if he had been crying.

Anger had taken over his normally peaceful face, a great deal of pain was showing in his dark eyes. It seemed as if he and the small Dragon Slayer were having an intense quarl over something quite serious.

Yet still, I heard nothing.

I looked around, I recognized the room I was in because I had been there many times before. Starting when Gajeel had first shown his face and attacked team Shadow Gear. I stayed with Levy and her team for a long time until they recovered. This was the infirmary. Every bed was empty, except the one at the far end of the room.

A body lay there, the snow white sheets were pulled up over the persons head. The only thing that was visible were a few strands of soft rose colored hair that stuck out from the top of the sheets. At this image, my mind instantly began replaying the events that had occurred before. 


In that moment everything came back to me. My overwhelming emotions sparking feeling throughout my body, my hearing, and every bit of the unimaginable pain had returned to me all in single instant.

"AH!" I howled, it felt as if every bone in my body had been shattered, my skin had been ripped off  layer by layer and sewed back on one by one.

"LUCY!! WENDY WORK FASTER, THE PAIN COULD KILL HER!" I barely heard Gray's voice over my screams of agony.

"I'M DOING ALL I CAN GRAY, DAMMIT." Wendy shouted back angrily, pushing all the magic she had left into her spells. But I felt none of it, nothing seemed to be easing my pain.

Wendy being angry was a strange sight. The innocent, loving child was not much for negative moods. This went on for what seemed like forever, the pain not letting up and Wendy trying everything she could. It was as if I was stuck like this forever, eternal pain.

"What the...?" Wendy's voice muttered abruptly.

A calmness began to seep into my bones. My screams were dulled by such a refreshing feeling. All the pain left my body as promptly as it came to me. I was relieved to be rid of it all. 

"What is it?" Gray questioned, inching closer to the bed where I had been placed. 

"She...healed herself." Wendy spoke in disbelief, her jaw slightly hung down.

"How do you know that you didn't heal her?" Gray's eyebrow raised slightly above the other as he attempted to wrap his head around what Wendy was talking about. 

"Because my magic wasn't working on Lucy in the first place. Nothing I could do was effecting her in even the slightest bit." She replied, calmly as if that wasn't a big deal.

I listened to this as my eyes opened again. I gazed up at my two guild-mates that towered over me. Our eyes met and I felt the looming cloud of darkness reach me.

"Natsu..." Was the only word that came slipped from my mouth.

Sadness filled each of their eyes at this. It was clear that the news wasn't good, neither of them ever acted the way they were now. 

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