Chapter Ten: With you, again

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My eyes opened slowly, I was face to face with the most beautiful sight.

The world around me was a mix of Earth-Land, the Celestial Spirit world, and Edolas. The dark skies sparkled with lovely distant stars.

I pushed myself up with my arms and propped my body up with my elbows. 

I figure appeared beside me. "I've longed the day you would return to me." The male spoke softly.

I turned my head to face him, I was filled with a overwhelming joy.

The sound of his raspy energetic voice rung in my ears. I had waited patiently to hear its soothing sound of it.

"Natsu!" I grinned.

He was dressed in the same attire that he had been wearing that night he came back to me. His pink hair was a mess as it normally was, he never was one for the slick and mature look. 

He had his hands pushed deep into his pockets, but he looked very relaxed.

A pained look crossed his face as he stared at me in silence.

I forced myself off the ground, standing way from Natsu only a few feet.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?" I asked, slightly offended.

He smirked. "Of course, I am overjoyed that you are here with me..." He paused, tears swelled up in his dark eyes. 

"But this means you are no longer alive!" A tear slipped. "Who took your life, Lucy?"

I shook my head. "I gave my life, Natsu. I gave it so that the guild would be there long enough to see the next sunrise."

"Did you suffer?" He questioned looking at the ground. 

I pursed my lips. "I experienced a great amount of suffering, yes."

I watched as three more tears fell from his face and planted themselves on the stone at his feet. 

"I'm so sorry."

I took a few steps closer, placing my hand on his shoulder. " You have nothing to be sorry about. Every once of pain was worth it, to let Fairy Tail live another day. You understand." 

Natsu looked up and nodded, a long missed smile lit his face. 

"You are right!"

"By the way, Natsu...where are we?" I asked.

"Ah yes, you don't know.This is Edania, one of three worlds here. Its the Wizard World, made of pure magic! Then there is Assastan, its the world for normal humans who never possessed magic at any time. Last but not least there is Itheria, Its the main world where the two worlds meet!" Natsu chimed.

"This is Heaven?" I questioned softly. 

"That's what they called the afterlife in Earth-Land. Yes, its very much like Heaven." 

Natsu held out his hand. 

"Lucy, my love. I would like to be the first to welcome you to the magnificent world of Edania." His gaze was almost seductive.

I brought my hand up and placed it gently in his. Natsu raised his other hand causing my clothes to sparkle, revealing a beautiful pale pink, flowy dress, covered in what looked like roses and other amazing flowers constructed out of elegant cloth. 

A pair of shinny opal colored heals, simple yet stunning.

I looked back up at him after admiring his work for a few long moments.

"How did you do that?" I questioned excitedly.

He chuckled. "The magic in this world is much different then the magic in Earth-Land. Here, the magic takes of what ever shape and form your mind can think of."

"This place is mystical." I breathed.

Natsu shook his head as he grinned sweetly. "You haven't seen anything yet, Luc."

"Come, there is some where I would like to take you." He tugged light on my arm, ushering me forward down the smooth stone path.

"How is the guild been?" He asked after he let me admire the abnormal things around me. 

 I looked up at him. "Ever since that day you came back, I worked harder than I ever had to get the guild to smile. After a few years of pushing the guild as far as I could, the last persons gloom vanished. Makarov retired, handing title of Guild Master to me." 

His face lightened. "You were the Sixths Master of Fairy Tail? For how long?" 

"Three years." I replied.

"I'm so proud of you, Lucy. That is utterly amazing." Natsu intertwined his fingers with mine. 

"Thank you, Natsu." I smiled.

"How about Erza or Gray! Or Wendy?" He questioned.

I felt tears come to my eyes, but not tears of sorrow. " Erza...Natsu, Erza found Igneel...She knows where he is."

Natsu stopped in his tracks, his eyes were wide, clear liquid pooled up at the bottom of his eyes. "Igneel.."

"Erza plans of paying Igneel a visit, she wants to give him your scarf. Since it was a very prized possession, she thought it would be fitting." I added.

Natsu smiled lightly, his lips quivering. "He is...alive."

He gazed up into the stars above us. "Thank you...Erza Scarlet."

After a moment he looked back down at me. "What about the other two?"

"They both made S class, Gray was offered a spot on the Magic council, and Wendy has mastered her Dragon Slayer Magic." I replied.

"Wow, everyone has improved so much. Its just amazing. You must have been the best master that the world has ever known." I grinned.

Natsu started to walk on the course we were on before.

I followed closely by him, admiring the scenery.

"Natsu? Uh where are we going anyway?" I questioned.

"To someones house." I answered.

"You get houses here?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes, but you don't have to pay for them. You can just make any house you want with magic!" He chimed.

"Oh that's so nice!" I cheered. "Wait, whose house is it?" 

He looked down at me and smiled brightly. "I'm not telling!" 

"Natsu!!" I whined.

His head shook slowly. " You are going to have to wait until we get there. Trust me, you'll love it!"

Minutes later we arrived in front of a pale blue house, it was large but it was no mansion.

The yard was lovely, towering oaks lay scattered in the area and flower bed surrounded them. 

 "Mrs. Heartfilia! Could you come here for a moment?" Natsu shouted at the home.

Mrs. Heartfilia? 

Only a few seconds later did a woman appear out of the door.

She had bright blonde hair placed in a simple bun. Her face was still young and she held herself high.

"Yes, Natsu? that?" She spoke.

"Layla dear, what is all that racket?" A mans voice rung before an older looking man stepped out behind her.

I let out a gasp. I couldn't believe the sight I was seeing.

"Daddy..." I felt the tears take their places in my eyes.

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