Chapter 15: Chloe

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I slowly open my bedroom door. I look left. Nothing. I look right. Nothing. I walk out and shut my door quietly.

I tiptoe down the hall and down the stairs. I pause at the bottom. Nobody is around. Good. I make a blind dash towards the back doors.

I accidently stub my toe on a potted plant. "Ow!" I cry out.

I freeze, and listen for sounds. Silence. I look over my shoulder. Nobody is there. I crack the door open and slide through into the backyard.

I run around the backyard, looking and listening. I know I saw Mumu... I know it!

Everything looks the same. I pass by the pool house, and notice there is a light on.

I pause, and tiptoe back to the door. I hear voices inside. The voices sound familiar. Really familiar.

I throw open the door and run into the pool house. Inside, Mumu and Dada, real Mumu and Dada, not Heather and Domonic the fake poopy Mumu and Dada, are standing inside.

"Mumu and Dada!" I shriek and run into Mumu and wrap my arms around her. She hugs back, and Dada joins in the hug.

We hug and hug and hug and hug.

Finally! I think while we are hugging. Mumu and Dada came back for me!

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