5. Bruises

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Chapter 5 :




"Yes! Yes! A pinky promise! Really!"

"Okay, and go to sleep. Now."

Man, I adored this woman. Before entering the house, I saw Nick, still staring our way. I stuck my tongue at him, hoping he'd see and went inside with Ellie.

As I changed and covered myself under blankets, I quickly relaxed. This was how the heaven felt. I fell asleep immediately. My pillow was the best thing in my life!

Unless... This shitty monster alarm waking the three of us up after 3 hours. Really? That was terrible. And after those two shots and a huge cocktail, my head seemed to explode right now. I wasn't drunk, but I at least needed 5-6 hours of sleep. And I got 3.

This time it was my regular alarm buzzing, since Ellie's was hidden deep back in my closet - turned off.

I lazily made my way to my almost-empty suitcase, with the only thing in: my little first aid. That included mostly a countless amount of aspirins and other painkillers. I really needed one. I swallowed it and saw Ellie slowly standing up. Then she just jumped up and rushed into the bathroom. The voices told that she threw out.

"What happened to you last night?" Nina asked, standing up.

"We went at a club with my friends. Two shots and she was drunk."

"When did you come back? I was probably deeply asleep."

"Yes, you was. We went back at 2am, but got held so we entered the room at half past two. Maybe more."

"All that time you were at a night club?" her eyes widen.

"Not actually. Before the club we went at McDonald's."

"Some hot guy slammed into her, making her fall," I heard Ellie coming out. "They introduced theirselves and then we found out that this guy was on the other side of our school. He pissed us off, causing our problems last night. But he still was so hot! So we have a chance of meeting him while working on a play." I was stunned by how clearly she remembered that.

"What is the last thing you remember?" I asked her.

"Well, I remember everything before that boy gave me two more shots."

Two more shots. That explains the situation.

"So," she continued, "it was nearly midnight. After that my memories are blurry. But I remember goodbyes. Lot's of. And I remember what Nick yelled, oh and thanks for saving me from Martha. I owe you."

"It's fine."

To be honest, I didn't know why I did that. I just did it kinda-sorta automatically.

So, after our casual morning routine we headed to school. They walked together, while I met Clary. She told me about her parents annoying her by worrying too much; her opinions about the play; updates about the play... I just didn't undertand where she could fit so much information from one evening. And then blurt out... This girl never really shuts up. But it was kind of comfortable. Yep - comfortable. It always felt so fun and relaxing to have her by my side. She talked and talked and talked... And I still wanted to hear. Then she asked about my day and I told her about the club, promissing to take her sometime.

Castings for Cinderella play were today. I was never a girl that would wish the main role in the school play. But this time I wanted to distract my attention elsewhere, so I focused on acting.

Lestrade Academyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें