38. NewsMan

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Chapter 38 :




I knew it wasn't a good idea. In fact, I was positive it was a terrible idea, but what can you do against one's will? Especially, when the one we're talking about here is a man that's able to hold a whole school of boys under perfect control?

We shouldn't have let him go, but that was uncorrectable right now. When Nick and I woke up the next morning and went to check on the decision of the principals, we found out Mr. Rockets was already hours gone. Worrying was all we really did. We called Billy to come to the empty school and worried altogether. I felt kinda bad for having him sit with me at school when he could go and have fun at parties. But we just informed him, after all, he came on his own.

Each of the events recently made me think about Thella and what would happen when I went there. Would I miss Billy, Clary and others? I would. Maybe there were copies of them in Silva world, like alternative copies... Shortly, I just let my imagination go wild. Parents were what I thought about a lot. They didn't deserve having their child disappear out of nowhere forever.

This whole Thella thing was just one stressful thing. But what else could you expect? Stepping into another universe and stopping a war? That seemed a little impossible, but again, did we have a choice? Did we have a choice of being Silvas, being soulmates or setting the plan of going to Thella? No. None of us knew what'd happen next, we just went with the flow. When we found out we had to go to Thella, we didn't question it or stopped and looked around what we already knew, we just kept on our way, which in that moment meant finding out how. Then we found a key and a portal and we were agreed. If I had a choice, that would definitely be a no. But only if the Silvas would survive out there. If not and the war would go on, my choice would be positive and I'd go to that world anyways.

Although, a decision that wouldn't change independent of the situation was that everyone had to know. I couldn't go up to my parents and tell them I was from another world - they would never believe me and maybe sent me to the same place as Sabrina. I don't blame them. If my daughter that I'd raised came up to me one day and said she wasn't human, I'd think she was mad, too. It's different with kids, they'd know. I'd let them know. Somehow, I would.

Three days have passed after Mr. Rockets left and we had no news at all. I've been numb all along. Both,mentally and physically. I could do nothing and had to stay actionless instead and it was killing me. Whole days and nights, each second of each hour of each day, I had this urge to get up, go find Mr. Rockets and get him back with a necklace, but I knew I was useless here.

It was already 31st of December, new year's eve. Academy was empty and the only thing that could relive your New Year mood was a Christmas tree three times as high as I was, standing in the middle of the main hall of girls' side.

After the whole three days of acting oblivious to everything happening around us, it was finally New Year's Eve and no one - I repeat, no one - was in a mood for it. My parents called everyday, asking if I wanted to go home for celebration, saying our cousins and relatives would be there and they'd love to see me. I had this urge each time to tell her I couldn't, because Mr. Rockets might be dying somewhere in search for a necklace that was the key of me stepping into another world, but the results of such an action was impossible to guess. I had no other choice other than to lie that I was okay, I was studying for upcoming exams and I was surrounded by other girls, willing to pass the exam. I even said I'd be back soon when mom didn't leave me alone. Everything that was currently happening was slowly breaking me and I had nothing else left than to hope that I'd be whole as far as until reaching Thella, the least.

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