31. Numby

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Chapter 31 :




Nick's POV:

It was my fault. All my fault. I shouldn't have let her kiss me. I could easily push her away. She was gripping me tight, true, but I could push harder. I swear, Terry, if something'll happen to Zoe, I won't even think twice before killing you.

Four hours have passed after I got a call from the hospital. They've found Zoe's phone and only one number on the speed dial - mine, so they've called me. I was in the hospital a few minutes after that Zoe was brought here. She was sent straight to the operation. I saw her lying down on the hospital bed unconscious. It was my fault. Her skin was full with little pieces of glass, her forehead bleeding too much and her wrist crooked. I ran after the doctors that rolled the bed away from me, but the door was slapped in my face and I had brought a chair from the waiting room to sit right outside the door. After an hour she was sent to reanimation and I was still unable to enter. So I brought my chair next to the door and sat down. Three more hours. Three freaking hours and no news. An hour ago some doctor exited and the only thing he told me was that her state was currently unknown. I was ready to kick his face until he was in the same 'currently unknown' state as Zoe.

As soon as she was sent to the reanimation room, her parents arrived. They've also brought their chairs and were sitting across from me. Mrs. Millery was sobbing in Mr. Millery's shoulder, who looked like he was going to cry himself. No lies, I was barely holding. If something happened to her, I'd never forgive myself.

Telling what happened to her parents was hard enough thing to do, not to mention the fact that they were now suffering because of me. I promised to take good care of her and I failed. She was probably one tiny step away from death and I would make her take hundreds of steps back, whatever it took. I could cure her at least for one step, but I needed her alive for it. It was my fault and my duty to fix.

Billy was here, too. I also hurt him. He sat a couple of steps away from my chair, staring at the floor as if deep in thought. As soon as I got a call, I found Billy and we drove away in his car. Four freaking hours have passed and her state was totally unknown to us. It was quarter to 2AM already and my lids felt heavy, but nothing would make me fall asleep tonight. Or tomorrow night. Or any night until she was awake and alright.

It hurt to think about what she felt when she found me kissing with Terry. I told her that she kissed me out of the blue, but I doubt she heard. Her teary eyes were forever in my head now. The beautiful eyes that I made cry. I shouldn't have let her drive away. I knew she had drank and I knew that she wasn't in the state to drive, but I couldn't make her stop. I had to make her stop. Now it was too late.

I had to swallow the ball in my throat every two seconds. Zoe. Oh, Zoe. I wouldn't be able to live without you. There was no way I would.

It was already 2 in the morning when a doctor exited her room. All the four of us jumped up.

"Are you to Zoe Millery?"

No, shit, we're waiting outside the reanimation room of the girl we don't know.

"Yes," said Mr. Millery, "How is she, doctor?"

Doctor shook his head, frowning. I died a few times before he finally managed to choke out some words, "She has a very bad damage of head. She might wake up with amnesia..."

My breath just stopped in my throat. No. Just not amnesia. She could not have an amnesia, that was impossible.

I heard gasps coming from her parents, but I thought I'd just break down if I looked at them.

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