37. Lost 'n Gone

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Chapter 37 :

Lost 'n Gone



Thoughts about Thella have been lingering in my mind forever. My imagination just went wild while imagining it. I've imagined Thella with blue grass, red grass, black sky, orange sky, two Silvas in each city, thousand Silvas in each house and so on. The list was terribly long and I doubted any of them appeared true.

The book that the principals have found was everything we needed: red cover, pictures iniside and in English! It was straightforwardly labeled by 'Getting back to Thella, Stir Couple, the ancient necklace of Roo and Escorts'. We really should start seeing things that are a little closer to us than hidden on a bookshelf named in Latin.

"Have you read it yet?" I asked Mr. Rockets who held a book. I sat down on an old, leather chair that was supposed to be a possesion of infamous Lestrade.

Mr. Rockets sat down on one of the chairs that they brought in from the training hall last night. To be honest, the sleepless night was slapped on both of their faces with their hair a mess and blue bags under eyes.

"Some of it," he replied, "It sure is a big book."

He was right, the book was bigger that two of my school books put together and let me tell you, my school books were huge.

"And what does it say?" Nick asked, pulling his chair closer to mine and sitting on it vice versa, his legs spreading around the back of the chair as his elbows leaned down on it.

"I've found out some of the most important things," he said, hugging the book closer to his body as if his life depended on it, "There's an adress to that portal in the forest. Although, a strange one. 'Behind the tree as old as me and in the middle of trees as young as leaves there's a hole where a fat rabbit hides, he sure is the old in his kind. Birds fly and sing the melodies unknown, but if you listen they'll tell you the story untold. Little flowers have four leaves and the luck they give is impossible to repeat. The cave leads behind my elder tree and it brings to a safety of Thella within'," Mr. Rockets read out from the book.

I lifted my eyebrows, "If we didn't know where it was, there'd be no way of us understanding any of it. What else?"

"There's a spell in Latin. The escorts have to take in their hands the necklace of Roo which was sent from Thella to you. It's a key. Your Escorts will repeat the spell a few times and the necklace will slowly dissapear and the bright light will appear."

"What next?" I asked, "Any guarantees or safety jackets to keep us alive?"

He shook his head, "If done right, you'll find yourself in Thella the next second."

"And if done wrong?"

"It won't," Nick said from next to me, his eyes alone comforting me in the way no one ever could, "Don't worry, we'll get through this."

I nodded, "But it's Terry we're talking about. What if she'll mess up?"

"I'll be following the lines," said Mr. Rockets, "If she messes up, we won't let you enter the portal and will make her repeat."

I sighed, closing my eyes for a brief second to ready myself for the answer of the question that I was just about to ask, "When will we do this?"

He glanced down at the book before looking back at me, "Due to the fact that we have everything we need, it can be done anytime. The sooner, the better, but we're not pushing on you. I'd prefer tomorrow, if you feel ready."

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