20. Lucid

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Chapter 20 :




I lay on my bed, tired as hell. I stand up anyways, and all the energy suddenly comes back to me. I walk around a little, and soon notice that the moonlight wasn't getting in the room at all. I slowly walked up to the light switcher, feeling the cold floor underneath my feet. I tried switching the lights on. Nothing happened. I remembered previous nights and tried looking in the mirror, byt so no one. So I'm dreaming, again.

I started spinning around - maybe it would wake me up, but nothing happened. I looked out of the window, the night was calm and quiet. This was a dream, right? It wasn't real, right? Of course, it was not.

I sat on the window frame, facing the backyard. I jumped. I jumped and fell down on the hard ground covered in grass, but I haven't felt pain. I stood up, now I was standing in the backyard in my night clothes. I checked my body for any harm, scratches the least, but didn't find anything out of the shape. I started walking around like an idiot.

I don't know how much longer this lasted, but when I woke up, my alarm was buzzing and the sun shone brightly through the light curtains on each window. I remembered everything; I remembered how I walked around in my dreams and how I jumped, how I wandered the backyard and looked around. I remembered every second of my dream, yet I knew it was a dream. Just a dream, because I was fully rested. It seemed real, but it couldn't be real.

At the lessons my mind was wandering away; everywhere except for school. I thought about Nick, about Sabrina and my strange dreams. It already happened for the thirdfreaking time, for God's sake!

So I made a decision, after school I visited the doctor. When I entered, I saw the white room with no decorations at all. Even the furniture were white! Mrs. Lynn was a black-haired woman in her early 40s, who was a doctor and a psychologist in this side of the school at the same time.

"Ms. Millery, have a seat," she told me with a wide smile, gesturing towards one of the two chairs that stood on the opposite side of the white table from her. "What do we have here?"

"I've got strange dreams," I said right away, before I managed to talk myself out of this terrible idea.

"Well, okay, many people do. What's the problem?" she asked, writing something down in her notebook.

"They're not just dreams, they seem so real. I remember every second from them. It already happened three times; for the first two times they started with sleep paralysis, and ended up with me walking around my room and finding out I can neither switch the lights on, nor be seen in the mirror."

"Three times already?"


"Well, average people have had sleep paralysis for a couple of times in their student years. Are you sure you know what it is?"

I nod, "Yes, it's when your mind is awake, but your body is still asleep. I felt a weigh on my chest, and saw an intruder in my room. But I know that the intruder was a part of a hallucination, because when your body is unable to move, your brain feels unprotected and sees threat in each shadow."

Mrs. Lynn nodded back, "You are absolutely right. Do you know what lucid dreaming is?"

I shake my head, "I don't."

"It's a state that usually comes after sleep paralysis, as I ready said, average human has had it a couple of times already in their student years, but no more. It's like you can control your dreams. It feels like you're awake when you're not. Do you understand what I'm saying?" I nodded at her question and she continued, "It's like you have power over yourself in your dreams."

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