10. Mpuah

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Chapter 10 :




The next day was Sunday and, unluckily, I wasn't able to see Billy tonight because of his 'elegant dinner with his father's boss' family'. And I didn't really want to have the whole day on my own, so I went over at Clary's. We called Taxi and went at MacDonald's for breakfast. I was eating a Big Mac, small fries and a chocolate milkshake, again.

All of a sudden Clary's soft voice distracted me, "Have you visited Nick?"

I stared at her for a short moment before putting my Big Mac down and answering, "Yea, yesterday."

"How's he? I'm so worried..."

"He's fine, don't worry," I told her, "he'll be out in a week or so."

"Thank god. I've never seen anyone getting in such a fight."

"Lucky you. My school was full of fights like that."


"Absolutely. By the way, we could visit him today."

Her face lightened up, "Yea, we could."

"But first we could eat normally. Then we could even head to the mall."

She nodded and I kept on with my fatty food.

Anyways, what was with her worrying about Nick? He was alright. I was worried about him, too, but I saw him getting stabbed - she hasn't. What was she so worried about? Does she like him?

That last question in my mind caught me off guard. It doesn't look like it, but what if she does? And what if Nick likes him back? An uneasy feeling started up in my stomach, making me feel somewhat strange.

I wasn't jealous. I wasn't.

As soon as we were finished with our food we exited MacDonald's, catching a Taxi and going to the hospital.

Doors opened on their own as we approached them, leading our way in. I led Clary today, since she was visiting Nick for the first time. We quickly found the room 502 and I knocked softly, waiting for Nick's voice to call out. But it never did. I knocked again, this time louder and this time the anwer came, "Who's there?" Nick's tired voice asked, sounding as if just woken up.

"It's me," I called out, hoping he'd let me in.

"Oh, come in," he said, his voice no longer sounding sleepy or tired.

I carefully opened the door, as if someone was asleep inside. I popped my head in before fully entering, Clary by my side.

"Hey, Remember Clary?" I asked him, sitting down on his bed.

He nodded, stealing a glance from her.

"How are you?" I asked, smiling weakly.

"Good," he answered, "You?"

"I'm fine. Have you been sleeping or something?"

"Yea, but I woke up 10 minutes ago."

"Oh. Are your parents over or something? I wouldn't like for them to find us together, it's still forbidden."

He quickly shook his head, "Nah, they're not over."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why aren't they? Sorry for sounding rude, but still."

"Dad had some extra work and mom stayed home with my little brother."

"Really?" I asked, not hiding my fury, "I mean, their child's in hospital after being stabbed and they are acting like nothing? Sorry for rudeness, again, but if they were my parents, I'd refuse to believe I'm not adopted."

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