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Thursday 5:43 AM

jungkook: hey

Thursday 8:07 AM

me: why were you up so early

jungkook: i accidentally woke up and i couldn't fall back asleep

me: oh, i see

me: who else do you text besides me

jungkook: my family and my hyungs

me: no friends?

jungkook: i am bad at making friends

me: wow, you have really did change from when you first texted me to now

me: whatever happened, it must have been big

jungkook: i guess

jungkook: why did you want to know who i text?

me: because you texted me early in the morning and it made me wonder why

jungkook: oh

me: do you know why you could not sleep?

jungkook: i guess i have too much on my mind

jungkook: i think i just need like a few days to clear my mind

me: then take a few days to clear your mind

me: if you are suffering now, you will suffer more later if you don't do anything

me: have you tried talking it out or writing it out?

jungkook: i don't want to burden my hyungs with my problems

me: then talk to yourself

jungkook: i don't want to look weird

me: it is not weird if no one sees you talking to yourself

jungkook: i am not good at talking out my feelings

me: write them out then

jungkook: i guess i could do that

me: you know, this is going to sound really cliche

me: but, if you really honestly need someone to talk to, i am always here

jungkook: yeah that is really cliche

me: shut up

me: people use that phrase too much and now it has lost its meaning

jungkook: but thank you

me: and talking with your members isn't a bad idea because it will keep them updated on their youngest member and how he is doing

me: i am sure they wouldn't mind you telling them what is on your mind and having to worry about you

me: i mean, since you guys have been together for many years, shouldn't you be comfortable enough to share your worries and concerns and problems

jungkook: yeah, maybe you are right

jungkook: i will talk with them now

jungkook: thank you

jungkook: for giving me advice

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