Chapter 7, Anything

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GuHai called his Uncle and made an appointment time.  The Uncle questioned him,  "are you bringing the dog back ?"  

"No,"  this was not the reason for the visit.  He wanted his Uncle to make another arrangement in regards to Aunties restaurant.

Walking into his Uncles office GuHai was greeted politely and addressed as "Young Prince."  Making a request that the Uncle pulls some strings again.  GuHai wanted some free skilled labour and had an Idea as to how it could be arranged.  There was a small "Food Service Industry training College" not far from his Uncles office.  A work programme could be arranged that gave the students a chance to work in the industry in exchange for grades.  

His Uncle was taking notes as GuHai explained his idea,  shaking his head in agreement,  GuHai could see that the Uncle liked the idea.  It wasn't too complicated,  this, in fact, was exactly the kind of thing he did on a regular basis.  

Unlike GuHai's father who had chosen a military career,  UncleGu worked for their father,  who was the patriarch of the family and where the real power lied.  GuHai's grandfather was a wise and mysterious man. His Grandmother even more so.  There were no pictures of her and her name was never mentioned in his presence.  There was no evidence of her existence.  

When GuHai was very young his Grandfather seemed already ancient.  His hair pure white and he was always bent over slightly making his walk a shuffle.  His house was in the countryside and was full of caretakers and helpers who did everything for him.   GuHai had spent most of his young life in his Grandfathers care.  He doted on him and always called him "little prince." He spent countless hours in the garden with him sitting on his lap hearing stories and tales,  he was never really sure which ones were true and which were fiction.  Countless walks where he was introduced to every flower and tree on the estate.  GuHai was given complete freedom when he was at his Grandfathers and was never told: "no you can't do that."

This was of course because his father was too busy and his mother miserable in her marriage,  they never had any time for him.  GuHai remembered hearing his Grandfather berate them both,  calling them selfish and heartless.

If GuHai asked for anything UncleGu was under strict orders to "make it happen."  Using the guise of a "government programme," UncleGu would see that his every wish was carried out.  

The whole procedure would only take a couple of days.  The meeting took no more than ten minutes.  UncleGu would take care of everything.  He would never imply that GuHai was asking too much.  

Good,  simple,  a firm pat on the back and GuHai was out the door.

Two days later GuHai had to see the dentist,  he had chipped one of his back teeth and would get it fixed. He reached the school a bit late for first class.  GuHai walked in seeing immediately that something had changed.  His desk was gone,  replaced with a library-like table.  Sitting comfortably in a chair behind it was Jun.  His legs fitted under it properly,  his books and papers laid out neatly in front of him.  When he saw GuHai enter the room his attention was turned directly.  He sat up taller in his seat and flashed a bright white smile at GuHai.  Trying hard to seem uninterested GuHai took his seat at the new table and winked at his Yin who was watching closely.  Blushing,  Yin faced the front and shuffled his papers.  

Jun joined the group again at lunch.  Everyone chatted politely back and forth.  A few questions were thrown at Jun in hope of discovering a bit about him.  He had grown up in America with his mother.  He didn't really know his father until recently when he returned to China.  Initially, he lived with him in HongKong but the move to the province was recent.  

His Chinese was perfect and so was his English,  better than anyone else in the school.  He proved to be kind of interesting.  A sense of humour was evident.  He was to play on the school basketball team which caused great excitement when the news got out.  Surely he would be a great asset.  

GuHai & BaiLouYin from ADDICTED HEROIN SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now