Chapter Forty Seven: Fading into the background

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As expected, the presentation of his microbots went well. Once Hiro had managed to breath. Thanks to Tadashi's encouragement, he regained his confidence, swallowing down any vomit that wanted to come up. It was unfortunate that one person had walked away at the get-go, but he recovered. If nothing else, he was good at moving on. He had to. Every conversation he'd ever had about this came to mind, along with the realization that if he didn't go on, his life would be over.

The looks of surprise and awe on the audience's faces were fuel enough to keep him going through the planned presentation. He was in his element now and he knew it. And the best part was the high five he got from Tadashi while hanging upside down from the ceiling as the microbots traveled across one of the light tracks. And then it was over. Without thinking, Hiro threw the transmitter to the stage one last time, his excitement more than enough to keep him following the natural course of events as his friends came to congratulate him.

He was still riding the wave of euphoria when Alistair Krei came along to offer his own congrats, requesting to see his microbots. Hiro threw him one without too much hesitation, though just enough as he realized how close he was to the end. the euphoria had pushed the trepidation aside, but it was coming back.

Then Callaghan came, once Krei announced he wanted Hiro and his bots at Krei Tech. It was a moment Hiro understandably didn't want to relive, but he managed to hold his tongue and just watch in growing fear as the whole event unfolded once more. He even momentarily forgot Krei had his microbot until Tadashi called out to the departing businessman.

"That belongs to my brother," Tadashi said, a look of hesitation and incredulity on his face. But Krei returned the microbot, with only some amount of a huff, and things were back to normal.

And when Callaghan gave Hiro his letter of acceptance, no one could have been prouder. Until they met up with Aunt Cass on the other side of the stage and showed her the letter.

Aunt Cass led them towards the doors, though she slowed to allow Hiro and Tadashi's friends to go ahead of her as both Tadashi and Hiro hung to the back. "All right, let's feed those hungry brains! Back to the café! Dinner is one me!"

Fred jumped in excitement, and the others looked suitably impressed with the offer, already heading towards the parking lot.

"Aunt Cass, we'll uh, we'll catch up, okay?"

Before Hiro could even think about protesting, Cass Hamada was hugging them and telling them both how proud of them she was. Then she was off to let the others into the café, prepared to serve them whatever they wanted.

Hiro watched them leave with some trepidation, swallowing hard. Part of him really wanted to join them, to forget the whole thing. He was so tempted, but when Tadashi nudged him, he knew he couldn't risk it. Not if he was going to fix things. So he turned to follow his brother as he led him to the bridge overlooking the Ito Ishioka building.

Tadashi leaned against the bridge, staring happily into the sky, probably imagining how he would soon be going to classes with his brother. And Hiro didn't have the heart to tear that happiness away from him.

"I know what you're going to say," Hiro boasted as he joined him, trying to lighten the darkness he felt inside. "I should be proud of myself cuz I'm finally using my gift for something important." He couldn't help but say the last part in a tone that was meant to sound like Tadashi but didn't. He'd forgotten what exactly came next in the dialogue and wasn't prepared for what his brother said in reply.

"No. No," Tadashi smiled, looking away. "I was just going to tell you your fly was down for the whole show."

"Hah. Hah. Hilarious" Hiro said, not believing him, until he looked down and realized his brother was right. "What!" He zipped up his pants and gave his brother a jab and a glare, but Tadashi seemed more amused than anything.

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