I want to get to know you guys better

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I really want to get to know all of you guys better, and so if you see this chapter, fill out this form in the comments! (: I will fill one out myself


Age (only if you want to):

Name your favorite book, movie, food, drink, color, video game and band/artist:

Name your LEAST favorite book, movie, food, drink, color, video game and band/artist:

Five things you do in your free time:

What is the strangest thing you have in your room (you cannot explain it):

What is your weirdest habit (not bad like nail biting, but just weird):

If you were reincarnated as an animal, what would you be:

If you were an inanimate object (something that is not alive) what would you be:

What celebrity do you idolize:

Five words to describe yourself:

And anything else that you would want me to know (:

Now for me

Gender: I am female


Favorites: Wings of Fire (duh), Jurassic World, Sushi, Tea, Blue and Green, Skyrim, and probably TØP

Least Favorite: The Dark is Rising, The Peanuts Movie, Mayonnaise and Sour Cream, Red and Orange and Yellow, GTA V, Justin Bieber (he is so frickin rude to his fans)

Things I do: YouTube, Art, Music, Video Games, Read/Write

Strangest thing: Probably the creepy clay bird on my bookshelf

Weirdest habit. Twist my hair when in public places and I have to do the same routine I have before I go to bed or else I can't sleep well

Reincarnated: Probably a wolf or a fox

Inanimate object: Wind because you can travel across the world with no worries of what you run into

Celebrity: Youtubers count so Jack and Mark, and also all of my favorite authors

Words: I am extremely shy, awkward, ugly, quiet, and not-athletic-whatsoever-no-matter-how-hard-I-try

Other: well umm, I help run a library? XD I don't know, if you have anymore questions for me I will answer them

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