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No More Roomies Still Good Bummies

Shells 🌟
I guess we can consider this progress
Does this mean you followed our advice and made out with him?

Shells 🌟I guess we can consider this progressDoes this mean you followed our advice and made out with him?

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Brittles 😻

Juney Bunny 🐰
First of all, creeper.
Second of all, no we just talked.
And after like ten minutes tea was ready Chris came home.

Shells 🌟
So you just sat there and talked to him?

Juney Bunny 🐰
Yeah that's what people usually do when they meet.
They talk.
They don't just jump at the other person out of the blue.

Shells 🌟
Well it was not your first encounter with the guy tho

Juney Bunny 🐰
The first one went bad and the second was even worse.

Brittles 😻
What do you mean?

Juney Bunny 🐰
Let's just say that both times I was wearing sweatpants but at least the first one I was not half naked.

Brittles 😻

Juney Bunny 🐰
Yeah, I thought I had told you that earlier.
Didn't I?

Brittles 😻
We would remember such an important thing!

Shells 🌟
Nasty nasty Bunny!
This is even better than making out with him!
You went straight to second base
I like it

Juney Bunny 🐰
That's not what happened ok?
I came back from running soaked in sweat and couldn't wait to take off my tank top, so I started undressing in the hallway, but one of my earrings got stuck in it in the process and Sebastian popped out of nowhere in the worst moment.

Shells 🌟
Hold on
So you went running?

Juney Bunny 🐰
Of all the thing I've just told you the only question you have is if I really went running?
And btw why are you all so surprised that I went running?

Shells 🌟
Because you don't exercise
Like ever
And even when you do, you don't
Cause like, you're so bad at sporty things that you manage to turn them into something non-sporty at all

Brittles 😻
Shelley stfu and focus on the main point here!
This story is so funny and tragic at the same time, I love it!
But you were wearing a bra right?

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