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My mind like a whirlwind of thoughts,
Surrounding me are the battles I've fought

Slowly the words are attacking from all sides,
Even those occurrences I didn't confide

Blowing all over me is the harsh cold breeze,
Calmness washes over me, my mind put at ease

I'm standing in the eye of the hurricane,
I survived through the depression and through the pouring rain

All around me it's pouring hail and sleet,
I wait and watch for the storm to retreat

Whirling and whirling are the thought tornadoes,
With more and more pressure, the wind starts to blow

Standing in the eye of the hurricane,
My identity and sanity I try to maintain

The storm continue to take along with it some lives,
With destruction and disaster, the hurricane thrives

Sucking in reality, knowing it'll never be the same,
While standing in the eye of the hurricane.


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